Shelby: How do I get him to not hate me?
Ryan: Play quarterback for the Steelers.

Terrible thing when a child has to pay for the sins of the father.

Connor Devlin

Bars are loud. I want to find a quiet place where I can hear you talk. You've been through a lot, and I want to hear about it.


Ryan: I'm glad you loved him.
Shelby: You are?
Ryan: There are a million things that turned you into the woman I love. Whatever happened out there is a part of that.

Jocelyn: Why are you signing? I can read lips.
Owen: Because I don't want to raise my voice at you, Jocelyn!

When do the broken pieces go back together? When is an agent ready to get back into the fight?


I like to think that I know you better than anyone, but you're never this reckless.


I'm sorry, but I had a whole life before I fell in love, and so did you.


Mike: How are you holding up?
Alex: I'm fine. Everyone really needs to stop worrying about me.
Mike: Worrying about you is the best part of my day.
Alex: I'm sorry, what?
Mike: It's an old country song.
Alex: By who?
Mike: Yours truly. I told you, you don't know anything about me.

Alex: I lost a baby, and the truth is, as awful as it was, my life was about to get really complicated, and now it's not.
Shelby: I don't believe it's that simple, and neither do you.

I don't want to lose my humanity. I don't want to have to put a knife in one of you to survive some day. I don't want to live in the shadows or with secrets or beyond the law. Don't any of you ever stop to wonder who you are anymore? Well I don't want to wonder who I am. I want to stay me.


No amount of blame you put on her can match the blame she puts on herself.


Quantico Season 3 Quotes

Alex: So you married Shelby.
Ryan: I married the woman I love.

Alex: When were you going to tell me about the ring?
Ryan: What ring?
Alex: The ring you clearly took off before seeing me.