Look at her? She smiles anymore, her teeth are going to fall out.


"Boy" me one more time.


Someone oughta drag Eugene Linwood's ass behind a truck.


It's called mother's intuition and mine is firing like fourth of July.


I don't know nothing about beating that boy. I had nothing to do with beating that boy, but I will tell what. I'd like to shake the hand of the man what did.

Eugene (on television)

The Broker: How's it feel?
Mac: Like the world's a better place without him in it. Tell that client of yours that he's a hero.
The Broker: So are you, son.

Memphis is as crooked as the river is long.


Yeah, they all look the same to me too.


Apparently I'm not as comfortable as you are with the notion of killing other human beings.


His good deeds were scattered everywhere that day and into eternity.

The Broker

He's deader than armadillo shit.


You know the difference between you and that guy? You acted. you came to life in that moment like a switch that was flipped on.

The Broker

Quarry Quotes

I thought you'd understand about war, dad.


Mac: You forgot my face, didn't you?
Joni: I forgot your smell.