Yankee girl's a little too spirited for you?


Careful, Roy. She knows you've got a soft spot for her. Don't let it use it against you.


Do you know how many times in my life I've given someone a key to my home? Never, but I gave one to you.


I promise, I play fair though there are some people on my team who apparently do not.


That boy's so hot you can fry and egg on him.


Ms Marcus needs a bible, not a lawsuit.

Mrs. Reid

I like my ladies with a little more danger around the edges.


No job's worth keeping if you're living in fear all the time.


I came here to let you know that I gave Arliss a free pass. I was messing around with his wife after all. You can't blame a man for boiling over but you best muzzle your watch dog Lee Anne. Cause next time I'm not going to be so generous.


I am just a local boy defending the city I love in court.


What was your intention Jamie, to come to my crime scene and trove for clients? I thought you were better than that.


You want to play dirty, that's fine but I warn you. You're playing with the best.


Reckless Season 1 Quotes

Terry: My favorite Yankee lawyer.
Jamie: My least favorite police officer.
Terry: Change your mind if you just give me 20 minutes.
Jamie: I heard it was about 5 minutes.

I could barely get through the day after my divorce.
