Tearing a child away from a parent is unforgivable. Someone is going to pay.


[to David] Well, I guess there's a silver lining to not killing me after all.


Jack: I hope that Margaux realizes it's time to drop this vendetta. It's not her.
Nolan: It's kind of becoming her. Rule of the red sharpie, it's kind of hard to put that cap back on.

Jack: This is still a fake marriage, isn't it?
Nolan: Uh, it's tricky.

Listen, Jack. You can work when you want. You can bring Carl with you. We will keep an eye on Louise to make sure she doesn't eat him. Maybe.


[to Ben] Look, I'm sure there are a lot of things that you do better than me but this, this one thing, this twisted chess game with real stakes I'm better at than you.


Mmm, betrayal. You always gotta give yourself an extra 15 minutes.


Emily: He barely knows her.
Jack: I thought that's what dating was for. To get to know someone.

Emily: You have done and sacrificed so much for me. You know how much I care about you. But...
Jack: But what?
Emily: I can't, Jack. I'm sorry.

Jack: I realize my timing's terrible. I get that, but after Aiden..I know what it means to lose someone and I was trying to give you space.
Emily: So you're doing this now because you think I've moved on with Ben? Jack...
Jack: I'm doing this now because I can't watch you be with anyone else because for once we are both in a place to maybe start a relationship and after everything we've been through and at a time in my life when I don't know what the future holds, I have one certainty in my life Emily. One. And that is how I feel about you. It's always been you, from the moment Sammy ran up to you that day.
Emily: I don't know what to say. Things between us, Jack, they're messy.
Jack: Life is messy but...you find a way.

Jack: I know about you and Ben.
Emily: And?
Jack: And you have to know that there's someone out there who's a better fit for you.

Nolan: I am so sorry I didn't see it sooner.
Louise: See what?
Nolan: How much we're alike. I mean, I spent most of my life as an outsider and it felt awful and then Emily showed up and trusted me to be her partner and my life changed. So while the wedding was strategic, I did promise to be there for you. I'm so sorry that I wasn't. Perdonami?

Revenge Season 4 Quotes

Hey Ems, you know what they said about the girl who gave up revenge? She lived happily ever after.


In my lifetime, I've come to understand that there are three ways for a person to disappear. The first is to die. The second is to lie. And the last is to be reborn. It was after my former husband's six months ago that my transformation began. I made my peace with those who have wronged me and with those who I've wronged. No one moreso than Emily Thorne.
