I can't trust anyone, not even cops.


Sam: I do speak fluent Spanish. You know that right?
Andy: Oh, I am aware. I just thought that was reserved for when you were naked.

He's a grown up runaway. It sounds awesome. Get away from your troubles and your debts and your everything.


Steve:You love going under.
Traci: What I love is sitting here drinking cold coffee with you.

Andy: Is this the workplace equivalent of pity sex.
Sam: Yeah, pretty much.
Andy: OK, I'll take it.

You look like something the cat dug up.


It's kind of like a twitchy porn star who just ran a marathon.


You're one of the best i've ever seen. You had a feeling about this guy and you were right. You've got to trust that.


Is it just me or is all this badass testosterone in here totally hot?


Two shootings in one day. No wonder rent's cheap.


Chris: I wish I could be more like you.
Gail: That goes without saying.

Him and I have not mingled limbs in a very long time.
