Rosewood: Have you talked to her?
Villa: We started back up our sessions.
Rosewood: That's it, nothing else?

I like to go where I'm needed.


You're amazing and still so generous with your words.


Villa: So I'm not here for pleasure, I'm here for protection?
Rosewood: Why can't it be both?

Rosie, I need your help. I think someone is trying to kill me.


I'd really love to hear from you but I accepted that it won't happen.


Guys like you and me have no business dating a woman like Villa. Sliding her into your rotation isn't going to fly.


Hornstock: She's gifted in this department.
Mike: She's gifted in a lot of departments.
Rosewood: He's developing a thing for Villa.
Hornstock: Mikey, you're consulting on a case here, behave accordingly.

GiGi: You and Detective Villa were having a moment there.
Rosewood: We get that a lot.
GiGi: I was talking to Dr. Mike.

Pippy: Please tell me my eyes are not seeing this.
Donna: Didn't I teach you how to knock?

Between us and these walls, I'm nervous.


This place is holding you back. I'm holding you back. You should pursue your singing, all this is my dream, not yours.

Rosewood Quotes

We're not partners, let's get that straight.

Det. Villa

I'm the Beethoven of private pathology.
