You don't have to give up everything to find out who you really are; just an evening.


if we both take off our masks, so to speak, we might not even recognize each other.


Monk: So you don't think the person you married is actually your wife.
Neil: I think she's tried to be, but I don't think that's actually who she is. Or not all of who she is, anyway. I understand it. I just went through it; I'm still going through it.

I think you're right. Not every partnership requires that we tell each other everything, as long as we're happy.


Adriana: You're here because of who you are, not because of who you think I want you to be.
Neil: Well, I wanted to show you that I know what I'm doing.
Adriana: But you don't. That's what's so special about you. Just because you're wearing a mask doesn't mean you should be someone you're not. Not yet.

Yeah, I was popular, but mostly because I was the first person in my grade to give a blow job. I wouldn't recommend it.


Grace's life is boring, but she isn't.


Neil: What did she see in you?
Simon: Well I think you caught a glimpse of that at the tanning salon.

Women don't come to me for just sex. It's about, it's about listening. A lot of times I know more about 'em than their husbands do. They trust me and I'm not gonna betray that.


Monk: Zen practice is about accepting and appreciating your life in this moment, right now.
Neil: This moment. OK.

You know, that was a bold move back there. Very sexy; watching a man go after what he wants on his own terms.


Neil: If we're gonna get into a long-term relationship, you need to know that I will always be honest with you.
Charles: Are you serious?
Adriana: He's serious.

Satisfaction Season 1 Quotes

I don't know what to say because I hate this job. None of what I do really matters. I don't even get to see what I'm trading on a daily basis, it's just numbers on a screen. It's not real. We don't contribute anything to the world in any meaningful way. We just hoard money, and I always thought you were an asshole for making that a virtue.


I think the problem is I need to feel more right now, not less.
