Verna: Is there something I can do for you?
Sally: You can take care of yourself, for your own good, for the good of the country. You can focus on your health, concentrate your energies on getting better. Such a stressful job can't be good for you at a time like this.
Verna: I'm not stepping down from the bench.
Sally: Justice Thornton, your President is making a request of you. Wouldn't be patriotic not to acquiesce.
Verna: You're gonna be President for about the next 15 minutes, and then your time will be done. And I will still be on the bench. If I have to rule from the confines of an iron lung, I will be on the bench.
Sally: The seat your butt is filling on the Supreme Court belongs to me to fill as I see fit. It was promised to me during the campaign, and for someone other than a left wing, baby-killing, homosexual-loving, godless creature such as yourself. I want it now, and you will give it to me.

Huck: Who are you?
Becky: I'm Becky, Like Rebecca of Sunnybrook Farm? Nice to meet you, Huck, of Huckleberry Finn.

Becky: We're the same, you and me. Except that I shot the President. That's a big job.
Huck: You want me to go down for this.
Becky: Come on. Don't you think if I wanted you to go down for this you'd be in lockdown in the deepest, darkest hole in Gitmo by now? Sweetie, I could've paid for that hotel room with your credit card. I could've spread your DNA all over that place. I could've killed you, made it look like you shot the President and then yourself, but I didn't. I was supposed to, but I didn't.
Huck: How come?
Becky: Because I like you, Huck.

You like to kill people. It's what you do. It's who you are. Look, you're mad right now because I had you. Because you let your guard down and I fooled you, but Huck, you're missing the point. We're alike. You're like me. We're the same. We're built for each other. So you can sit here every night and watch your little family eat their sandwiches, or you can come with me. Come with me. I'm leaving town. We can go on the run and do the whole Bonnie and Clyde for hire thing, just you and me. Think about it, Huck.


Olivia: He's lying in a hospital room fighting for his life and he had nothing to do with how he got elected. He's a patriot and he's legitimate.
Verna: We're both in hospital rooms. Karma is a funny thing. We're paying the price for what we did.

Verna: You know, I've been seeing pictures of that fellow wearing the red hoodie all day. He looks a lot like Huck.
Olivia: Huh.
Verna: Like I said, karma's a funny thing.

Huck: I'll leave with you.
Becky: Really?
Huck: We're the same. We're built the same. I love you.
Becky: I love you, too.

[to Olivia] I promised I would say goodbye.


Olivia: She got to you, didn't she?
Huck: No.
Olivia: She did. You found her and she got to you. Huck, she shot the President. Not just that, she shot the president and she framed you for it.
Huck: She was doing her job.

Olivia: Huck, I know you have feelings for this woman, but enough already. She doesn't love you. Turn her in.
Huck: No.
Olivia: Huck, this isn't just about you anymore. It's about a man lying in a hospital bed because your girlfriend shot him in the head. A woman who's clearly using you to protect herself, and if you can't see that, you're blind.
Huck: Don't touch me. Do I tell you who to love? No. So don't tell me.

James: You set the table.
Cyrus: Amalia set the table. She's off today, but I made her come in and set the table. I'm a Republican overlord, I know.

Cyrus: A baby was born at County General this evening at 5:42 p.m. A girl, 5 pounds 11 ounces. She's ours. She's our daughter. We can bring her home in a week if you say yes.
James: You stole a baby?
Cyrus: I did not--
James: You bought a baby?
Cyrus: I pulled some strings and got us to the front of the line. It wasn't that hard, just a well-placed phone call, which is wrong. Very wrong. But like I said, I'm a Republican overlord and your dream is a baby, so...and now you're thinking 'why now' when I didn't want a baby before. Why now? Someone shot my best friend. He's lying in a hospital bed dying. Which makes me denying us a chance to start a family seem ludicrous. So there's a baby girl in County General, and if you say yes, in one week, she could be our daughter. We could be her fathers. If you say yes.
James: Yes.