You love this job? You love being President? You give for what you love.


Jake: And one more thing...
Olivia: What?
Jake: Stock...your damn...fridge. If I'm going to be your fake boyfriend all day, I'm going to come home at the end of it and drink real beer and eat real food. Wine is not beer and popcorn is not food.

[to Olivia] Let's not play innocent here. Fitz is clean. Fitz walks on water. Fitz makes the fishes and the loaves, and people like Hollis, me, and you...don't roll your eyes at me. You are one of us Olivia. We march behind him, We sing his happy tune. And then we pick up our hatchets and we chop the Judases into bloody little pieces and dance around the corpses because that;s our job. That is what we do. We take care of Fitz. And we don't do it because we are believers, which we are. We don't do it for the rush or the high or the power, which we are most certainly junkies for. We do it because Fitz can't. He cant't do it. If he could do it, we wouldn't worship at his altar. People like Fitz, they go down in history. People like us, we create the history. We run this world so he can lead it.


[to Cyrus] Here's what's great about having someone attempt to assassinate you. You're being rushed somewhere on a gurney, and doctors are yelling, and blood is pouring out of you, and you could die. And you suddenly stop being afraid, of anything, or anyone. And when you don't die, when you miraculously live, you realize that you have nothing to lose and no time to waste.


I could be running Harvard right now. I had the job. I turned it down.


Get your house in order, Cyrus. And hire a lawyer. A good one.


Cyrus: [To Olivia] Think we could do it again? The impossible?
Olivia: Or we go down trying.

The American people but their trust in me. I've already let them down. I'm not willing to lie to them on top of it.


You can help by sitting on that chair and not moving. You're our client Quinn. Let us do our job.


Fitz: Do you think I'll make a good President?
Olivia: I think you'll make a great President.

Mellie: What do you think? What do you want? If you could have anything...
Fitz: I want a divorce.

Olivia: You seem awful chipper about all this, Cyrus.
Cyrus: I am. I am. I'll tell you why. I'm a workaholic and my sweet husband doesn't let me work on Sundays unless there's a war, which is why I hate Sundays and I really hate to garden. So you can see why I'd be excited because there is, in fact, a war. There's a bloody, scary war starting right now.
Olivia: You and I are going to war? That's what you want? Fine.
Cyrus: [laughs] Oh. no. I'm sorry. I wasn't clear. This isn't my war. You know who sent me here The President of the United States sent me here, to this office, to deliver these piles of dirt. I'm not the general. I'm not the bad guy. I'm just an errand boy who doesn't have to garden anymore. President Fitzgerald Thomas Grant III has declared war on you, Olivia, and he does so with the full force of the White House and the legion of men and women who work in the United States government. May God have mercy on your soul.