Karen: Wait, what are we doing?
Olivia: Getting you into college!

[to Karen] This isn't a job. This is a favor.


Fitz: Maybe I find a convent in Switzlerland and stick her in it.
Olivia: That did not work when my father tried it with me.

[to Huck and Quinn] We're in the White House. This is my turf. In this building you are no longer a zombie army of two under the influence of Olivia Pope.


Abby: You make it hard for me to do my job. You undermine me here with Olivia Pope at every turn. You keep secrets from me. You make me feel...small.
Cyrus: Red, there are things that happen here in this big White House with this particular President that you will never, ever know about. Some of those things, many of those things, will involve Olivia Pope. Several of those things will make it hard for you to do your job, but you are a patriot. You are a fighter. And so you will soldier on. As for feeling small, I don't do that to you. I suspect jealousy does that to you. My advice on that is this. You are not Olivia. You will never be Olivia. Hating Olivia for your own shortcomings will not change that fact.

[to Tom] When I say bring me the head of John the Baptist, I expect the head of John the Baptist. I do not expect excuses. Not from my golden boy.


Olivia: Burying yourself in work isn't always the best thing when you lose someone.
Fitz: Running away isn't the best thing either.

Fitz: Liv, where did you go?
Olivia: Fitz...
Fitz: Where did you go? You just...took off for two months all alone?
Olivia: I...yes. I did. I needed some time alone. After everything I just needed to be alone.

Olivia: I went with Jake.
Fitz: So I am a failure as a father and a husband and a man. Good to know. Heavy is the head that wears the crown they say.

That is what I do and there is no one better at it in the entire world than I am!


Olivia: I'm working. I'm gladiating.
Quinn: You're getting your expensive pants dirty. What are you doing here?

Fitz: Mellie's in the residence.
Cyrus: Respectfully, sir, she's probably drunk, and in a coma from too much fried chicken. You're safe there.

Scandal Quotes

Harrison: I'm not a baby lawyer. I'm a gladiator in a suit. Because that's what you are when you work for Olivia. You're a gladitor in a suit. You want to be a gladiator in a suit. You gotta say it.
Quinn: I want to be a gladiator in a suit.

Quinn, this is not a blind date. On blind dates I like to buy a woman dinner because it makes her more likely to sleep with me or give me a second date. When I buy you dinner, you'll know I'm interested.
