Are you Command, or are you someone's girl? You can't be both.


You are a woman, a tactical thinker, a strategist, and a leader of the free world. So yes, this can be your call, and you will not make the same think below the waist mistakes as the 44 men who came before you because I will not allow it. That is my call. You are never alone. You have me.


Olivia: What are you doing?
Fitz: Whatever’s necessary.
Olivia: Did you not get my message?
Fitz: I’m staying.

Mellie: You killed Luna Vargas?
Olivia: He shouldn’t have told you. You had deniability. He took that away from you.

If I ever hear about B-613 again Olivia, so help me god, I will not be so forgiving. Go. Get me my war.


Rowan: I want my bones!
Olivia: Who you are … what you have become, every single thing about you makes me sad. No bones for you.

War is good for business and polls are harder to read buried under piles of cash.


Abby: Maybe we should consider the possibility that this is what it looks like and she actually left.
Marcus: Grief does have a way of messing with people.

Cyrus: You don't have the security clearance.
Fenton: So, get me some. You're my sensei.

Quinn, hi, it's Liv. I just wanted to ... look, if you need to talk, I'm here. Otherwise, I'll see you soon. Happy wedding day, Quinn.

I want my bones!


You don’t make decisions. You don’t think, you don’t make moves.
