Tufo: I wouldn't get too worked up. Kids are losing their v-cards later these days. It's all about mouth business. Nice, safe, mouth business.
Harlee: Are you looking to get shot in the face.

That loser is not her boyfriend. That's a lapse in judgement.


Don't let fear cost you the pay day of a lifetime.


Until I close this case you're the only woman in my life.


Tess: Do you have to work at being juvenile or is it just in your DNA?
Tufo: Are you requesting a sample?

Stahl: Harlee, I don't only call to harass you.
Harlee: No, sometimes you call to threaten me.

You explain that crazy ass move. Suicide by angry, black mourners?


Who we think we are and who we turn out to be, are they ever the same?


Last I checked I pick up criminals not crayons.


Alright, listen up. I am bloated, I'm cramping, my shoes are killing me and my husband is cheating on me and I have to go apologize to the bitch he's been screwing. I'm gonna kill someone before this day's over.


Stahl: Your own personal guardian angel.
Harlee: Is that what stalkers are calling themselves these days.

You have the right to shut the hell up.


Shades of Blue Season 1 Quotes

Harlee: How much do you want to know?
Woz: How much do I need to know?

It happened so slowly I didn't realize and so quickly I never saw it coming.
