Kirigan: I have devoted my life to undoing the great sin of my forebearer, but I am never seen as the solution. Only as a reminder of the problem. And they always need someone to blame.
Alina: That's why you look at me like that, isn't it? I'm your solution. Only if I fail, they'll turn on me, and I'll be the brand-new Heretic.
Kirigan: If you believe anything, believe I will not let that happen.
Alina: I appreciate the sentiment, but...
Kirigan: I shall be right by your side. You and I are going to change the world, Alina.

Kirigan: Tell me, are you so anxious to be like everyone else?
Alina: It would be nice to know what that feels like someday, General.
Kirigan: Well, that day is not today.

Alina: Saints, I can't go in front of the King. I need more time; I've only been a Grisha for a day.
Genya: Maybe you've only been aware for a day, but you've been a Grisha your whole life. And now you're here to tear down the Fold.

What I haven't said in this letter, Mal, what I've been trying to write among all these scattered words is, is that I'm afraid. I'm scared, Mal. We grew up reading about a Saint who would one day perform a miracle of light and solve our country's problems, and we knew that was a lie. We knew that no stranger ever solved our problems for us. No great miracle was coming. That's why we had each other. The world is hard and cruel, but we had each other, and that was enough. That was everything. If Saints were once real, they've long since left us. Yet now, everyone is looking at me like I'm the answer. Like I'm the miracle the world has been waiting for. Or perhaps they know I'm a fraud, an imposter. I'm terrified. Of failure or success. If I really do have this power, who am I? I would be everything we mocked and dismissed. A stranger to myself. And to you. You once told me you were the most scared when you were lost. But getting lost can happen even when you know where you are. You told me about cardinal north and true north. Cardinal north is a direction on a map. True north? True north is home. It is where you feel safe and loved. You have always been my true north, Mal. And if I am to survive this, I need to be home again, with you.


Mostly, the peasants hate the Grisha, but I think it is because the Grisha do not suffer. But you have suffered, haven't you? I think you will suffer more.

The Apparat

I'm dreaming about that stag again. I know you'd laugh, tell me it's just a fable. But then again, so was the Sun Summoner, and yet, here I am.


Hope is dangerous. It clouds your judgment.


The Darkling: We do not conjure from nothing. We manipulate that which already exists around us.
Alina: You make it sound so easy.
The Darkling: A bird makes flight look easy, but it was born to do so.
Alina: When it's ready.
The Darkling: So, be ready.

Arken: This seems like a reasonable juncture to abandon this whole Sun Summoner plan.
Kaz: Abandon? We're in this now, and I know what a million kruge means to me. What does it mean to you?
Inej: Freedom.
Jesper: Fun. Like, at least a few months.
Arken: Retirement.
Kaz: Right, so we press on. You get us across the Fold, and I'll figure out the rest on the other side.

It's like I blinked, and the whole world changed.


Never make decisions out of fear, Jesper. Only out of spite.


The Darkling: You would give up your gift?
Alina: Gift? You dragged me away from my only friends, and now, according to you, I'm gonna be a target for the rest of my life. You wanna know why you've never found someone with this power? Maybe it's because they don't want to be found.
The Darkling: I'm going to ask you again. Were you tested as a child?
Alina: We hid. We were different enough already. Didn't want to be even more alone.
The Darkling: You are Grisha. You are not alone.

Shadow and Bone Season 1 Quotes

Inej: So? What's our move now?
Kaz: You're the one of us who believes in a higher power. If we're going to survive a round trip through the Fold, we'll need a miracle or two.

When I was young, I was afraid of the dark. When I got older, I learned that darkness is a place, and it's full of monsters.
