Matthias: Why would you save me?
Nina: 'Cause you're human, and despite what you've been taught, Grisha are not monsters.

Alina: Thank you for finding me.
Mal: Always. I'll always find you.

Kaz: You were hired to do a job.
Inej: Yes, the job was to pick up a fake for an easy million kruge. We found a living Saint who can summon the sun.
Kaz: A good magician is a good con artist. The trick is to make it look real.
Inej: This is different. You saw her summon with your own eyes.
Kaz: The best illusions are the most convincing. That's the game.
Inej: You can hide behind your cynicism, but I believe she's the real thing.

I'm sorry that it took me this long to see you, Alina. But I see you now.


That's it, isn't it? You don't want to like a Grisha. You're scared that if you laugh at my jokes or answer my questions, you might start to think that I'm human. Would that be so terrible?


Inej: You want the new guy to grab the million-kruge package?
Kaz: The new guy knows his way around Grisha locks. Our futures depend on this.

The Apparat: I must say, Sol Koroleva, you are becoming quite dangerous.
Alina: I'm sorry?
The Apparat: You will become even more dangerous still. You have no idea how much larger a role you have to play, do you? The people are erecting altars to Sankta Alina.
Alina: Why would they do that?
The Apparat: Because there is something far greater than armies, something strong enough to topple kings and generals, to crumble nations and birth empires. Faith, Alina.

Palace Guard: Is this supposed to be a joke? Morozova's Stag is a myth.
Mal: A living Saint is in your palace right now, and you scoff at a myth?

Her name is Alina Starkov, and she will bring liberation to us all.


Alina: I was nervous at first. But talking to Genya, I've realized what this demonstration represents. I've always felt like an outsider, especially when I first got here. But now, I finally feel like I belong. And not that I just belong here, but to something greater. That we can offer Grisha and Ravkans hope for the future.
Kirigan: That means a lot to me, Alina. You mean a lot... to everyone.

Kirigan: What do you see?
Alina: Someone's version of me.
Kirigan: Or perhaps the real you has finally emerged.

Alina: I wasn't aware I was Grisha. I was just doing whatever I could to not be separated from Mal.
Baghra: You protected yourself by denying yourself.
Alina: He was bullied when he was alone. I wasn't thinking of me; I was thinking of him. We planned to run away together.
Baghra: You had plans. Perhaps he never did because where is he now?
Alina: I don't know.
Baghra: Who are you holding back for, then? Bring the light.

Shadow and Bone Season 1 Quotes

Inej: So? What's our move now?
Kaz: You're the one of us who believes in a higher power. If we're going to survive a round trip through the Fold, we'll need a miracle or two.

When I was young, I was afraid of the dark. When I got older, I learned that darkness is a place, and it's full of monsters.
