Listen, Kirby. These other women, they're bodies. When you write about the dead, you write with water. As soon as you put it down, it starts to dry up, and pretty soon, there's nothing, nothing left for anyone to remember. But you are still here. And no one could forget you. And that's what I wanted for the story.


Dan: This can't be making it easier.
Kirby: It does. I think about what happened to me all the time. This gives me a reason to.

Dan: You have to put it back.
Kirby: He left it inside me. It's mine.
Dan: It's evidence. There'll be a trial, and you'll want this to be there. After he's convicted, then you get it back. Hey. We're gonna find him.

Kirby: I'm all finished. I found another woman. With Julia, there's eight of us.
Dan: Are you sure?
Kirby: They're all the same as me. I just got to live through it.

You know, it should have taken us years to get her. Why would I follow you any further? You can't even find the door.


Lisa: Where's the door? I don't see it.
Harper: Whoops. I thought there was one down here. I guess not.

Dan: If you have a statement, I'll take it.
Harper: How do you know I'm not a reporter?
Dan: Which outlet.
Harper: Daily News.
Dan [laughs]: Yeah, you're taking your time with that deadline. They've been out of print for ten years.
Harper: Oh. Haha. Oh. You know what's funny? 'Cause I bet not many people know that.

Kirby: So he's shot for you before? What do you think?
Dan: About your husband? You haven't formed your own opinion on the guy yet?
Kirby: I think he's kind.
Dan: That's not my read. He's a martyr. All decency but no compassion.
Kirby: Well, you're not married.
Dan: Nope, but I'm highly eligible.

You think he was watching me?


Marcus: You messed up my birthday. You went to see your mom for the first time in months. I know something's up.
Kirby: Then why aren't you asking me about it?
Marcus: When you want to tell me, you will.

Pull everything you have on Sharon Leeds. I usually like to get my sources right. Call it professional pride.


Half those people are dead now. Or in real estate.


Shining Girls Quotes

Kirby: The detective who was on my case, he called me in. Doesn't matter. It's- I thought it did, but it doesn't.
Dan: He called you in for what?
Kirby: He thought it was the same guy.
Dan: What someone did to Julia, they tried to do to you?
Kirby: It was six years ago.

First we find its shine, and then we take it away.
