Have I sunk Lois' battleship?


Lois: God, do you take lessons in how to do that?
Corben: Okay. Isn't the appropriate response "Thank God you're still alive. Too bad you're wearing clothes this time."?
Lois: Yes, that's it. The first part.

Clark: This is my lucky day to be saved.
Corben: Kal-El... take it from someone who's been there. We don't always know when we need saving.

By the way, this is the least-secret secret lab I've ever been in... twice.


Religion is science. Not some... mystical questioning of it.


Clark Kent at the keyboard? Have I been downsized in the bureaucratic world of superheroes?


Chloe: I should have known that Clark took a walk down the ruby-red road. That's explains his lack of edit button.
Tess: I thought Clark was only affected by green meteor. What's the red do?
Chloe: Basically it turns him to the bad boy every girl dreams of... in her nightmares.

Oliver: The only way you'd get me back in here is by force.
Tess: Don't flatter yourself. The best thing I ever did in this bed was kick you out of it.
Oliver: Well, look, something out of your mouth I can believe.

Oliver: Who knows how many deals were sealed right here?
Tess: You buried an arrow into my chest, Oliver.
Oliver: Actually... it was a taser.
Tess: Well, it bruised.
Oliver: Better bruised than dead.

John: Your preparations for war are unnecessary. You're simply reacting out of fear.
Amanda: Fear? Fear is what prompts us to protect ourselves. And studying fear gives us insight to others' phobias.

Chloe: You know, Oliver... now that Green Arrow is officially on Checkmate's radar, I think it might be a good idea for you to hang up your tights for one night. Go civilian.
Oliver: Well, they're not tights. They're not tights.

Amanda: Did you properly secure the detainee?
Tess: He had a hidden lock pick.
Amanda: The correct answer is "No, I did not properly secure the detainee!"

Smallville Season 9 Quotes

Clark: Isn't it time we moved beyond these mental trials?
Jor-El: Your determination is strong, Son, but just as your passion will be your greatest strength, so, too, will it be your greatest obstacle.

Chloe: Dr. Hamilton.
Dr. Hamilton: If you would be so kind as to lower the 9mm Jericho 941. I prefer "Emil."