Miles: Do you think any of us are still Tailies?
Josie: As long as you remember. Our culture, the way we learned to live together, that's how we're going to do it off-train.

I've been told over and over that Time heals all wounds, but there's one man on Snowpiercer who will never let mine close. Wounds fester. They rot. They don't go away.


Maybe it's just me. I pick, unable to let wounds heal. It's in my nature to provoke. Or maybe I was just born to bleed.


I wouldn't say Layton's much of a Tailie anymore. Just saying, he's off swimming with sharks. They bite.


We're still bleeding even if the trauma's hidden deep on Snowpiercer, one-thousand twenty-nine cars long.


He's calm, yes. Calmly obsessed with retribution.


Ruth: She needs you.
Roche: No, she doesn't. Cause all I think about, day and night, is Wilford. Still breathing as I stick needles into his eyes. Choke him slowly with my bare hands and slit his throat for what he did for me and my family.
Ruth: Well, then, you know what? The longer you feel this way, the longer he wins.

Eight years living in a hole. You're not the scariest thing I've faced in the dark.


Each of us still living stands on a mountain of dead.


Wilford: The science has merit.
Audrey: Science is wasted without power. You said that.

Miles: It's how we settled disagreements when they got bad. The two people sat together, eye to eye. They weren't allowed to leave until it was resolved.
Josie: When they come to terms, the whole Tail holds them to it.

Tailies know the dark lessons of Snowpiercer better than anyone. We gather like this, not out of bloodlust, but to bottle this violent dispute and bind our brothers in an outcome that we all accept.


Snowpiercer Season 3 Quotes

Inside, it's a backwards world. Only one class now, the working class. Freezing, stitching, fixing, suffering.


Two trains. Two chapters to tell. One runs hot and fast. The other lumbers slow. Cold cast in Wilford's iron grip, an armored tortoise plodding after a hare. Everyone under a single thumb, serving a single obsession, to retake the pirates and exact his revenge.
