Picard: Call Central Station. Tell them it's me.
Raffi: That was the first thing we did. Frankly, they were not impressed.

Zani: You got old, Admiral Picard.
Picard: You didn't.
Zani: I remind you, this is a house of truth.

When she looked at me, I felt seen.


When she looked at me, I felt seen. Even though she didn't like what she saw.


I'm a trusting person, Narek. That's my default. But -- I don't know -- you kind of challenge my paradigm.


Soji: No uniform. No insignia. No rank. You go anywhere you like on The Artifact and you know things. Are you Tal Shiar?
Narek: No
Soji: If you were Tal Shiar, would you also answer no?
Narek: Yes.

Soji: What are you doing, Narek?
Narek: The same thing you're doing. Feeding an insatiable curiosity.

Because you could not save everyone, you chose to save no one.


I allowed the perfect to become the enemy of the good.


Picard: And you would send him away? He might find himself in serious danger. He might die.
Zani: He will. Before that comes to pass, it would gladden my heart to see him live.

When you bind your sword to a cause, is there some kind of protocol? A ritual? Do I go on my knees? I do hope not. Between the two of us, my knees are not what they used to be.


Elnor: I've still never seen a cat.
Picard: Well, if you come with us, you might just run across one or two of them.

Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

So space turns out to be super boring. Go figure.

Dr. Jurati

A promise is a prison...do not make yourself another's jailer.
