Rios: There's a Borg queen loose in L.A.!
Raffi: You think I don't know how bad this could go? It's 2024. People have trouble with revolving doors. They can't handle a Borg queen.

She's more than a Borg queen. Agnes is in there.


Guinan: Tell me, Agent Wells, what makes you the man for this job?
Wells: Think of me as just a good old-fashioned dedicated civil servant.
Guinan: Work a lot. Don't sleep. Comes in all wrinkles with your huge mug of coffee. I'm a bartender. I've seen your kind before. This is personal.

Kore: Who the hell are you?
Q: A friend. A firestarter. A simulacrum. A living program, planted here when I hacked into your father's system, waiting for you to appear at this very moment. So close to the answers you seek.

I'd want nothing. In her shoes, I'd want nothing except a connection. If you've felt it, it's hard to think of anything except getting it back.


Raffi: Wow. That's incredibly spot-on.
Seven: Can you not? That I can access her, it's not impressive. Could you be a little less happy that I'm defective?

You manipulate. Everyone has to be exactly where Raffi wants them. You think we don't see it, but we all do.


The thing is - obsession is only obsession until it pays off. Then, it's diligence.


I'm not naive. I know I'm out-brained. You found Earth, speak the language. Clearly, you're eons more advanced. But, listen to me. Everyone has pain receptors. Your alien tech? Paperwork's been filed. Other people know now, so talking to me is as good as it gets. Boys up the line arrive, they get their answers another way. Then they cut you into pieces, shove you under a microscope, and the gist of your existence will be redacted report and rumor. They are coming, and, to them, you're nothing but a pig in a jar.


Guinan: I knew you could kill each other, but otherwise, aren't you...
Q: Immortal? So I believed. But now, for the first time as I look across the temporal horizon, it darkens. You think I'm dying. I prefer to believe that I am on the threshold of the unknowable.

When I first felt it, I thought to myself, 'This is good. This is new.' Infinite life, after all, has its drawbacks. And so, I prepared myself to be enveloped in the warm glow of meaning. Now that moment has yet to come. Not even a glimmer. Dying stars burn brighter as they spin towards extinction. I, on the other hand, seem to be simply disappearing into nothing.


The trap is immaterial! It's the ESCAPE that counts!


Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episode 8 Quotes

She's more than a Borg queen. Agnes is in there.


Rios: There's a Borg queen loose in L.A.!
Raffi: You think I don't know how bad this could go? It's 2024. People have trouble with revolving doors. They can't handle a Borg queen.