Kore: Dad, it's me! Why are you talking like this?
Adam: Why? The why matters. The why of things matters. And you, you are my why.

Dr. Theresa: Who are you?
Rios: I know what it looks like. Or not. But trust me, we're the good guys.
Dr. Theresa: Good guys never say that.

Raffi: His brain is comatose for a reason. It's protective.
Tallinn: A lot of what we do is protective. It doesn't mean it's good for us.

Star Trek: Picard Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Tallinn: Truth is I've been protecting Renée from afar for twenty-four years. I may have lost my touch a little when it comes to engaging with humans.
Picard: You've never spoken to her in all those years?
Tallinn: It's not just a rule. It's a code we live by. No connection. I'm a ghost. It's the best way to keep her safe.

Borg queen: Captured on purpose. Clever little plan. I do miss Locutus.
Jurati: I'm a hundred percent sure he doesn't miss you.