She's done it Maddox's way. She's done it my way. Let's try doing it her way and hope we get there in time to warn them.

Raffi: I'm getting closer. Ian, I can feel it.
EEH: Aye, and how's it feel?
Raffi: Absolutely terrifying.

Y'know, I remember standing the night watch as a young ensign on the bridge of the Reliant. Feeling I was the only one awake in all that emptiness, all that silence. I'd forgotten, until just now, how much I loved it.

They may be right about what happened two hundred thousand years ago. The past is written. But the future is left for us to write and we have powerful tools, Rios. Openness, optimism, and the spirit of curiosity. All they have is secrecy and fear. And fear is the Great Destroyer, Rios.

You might want to point that thing at my head. My heart is solid duritanium.

Kestra: I'm not really a Viveen Wild Girl of the Woods.
Soji: You had me fooled.
Kestra: My arrows are real though. But I would never shoot you because I'm a pacifist. But I could.

Picard: I know it must be very hard. Everything you believed in. Your memories, your identity...
Soji: My dreams. My body. My parents. My sister. All of it was fake.

You ruined years of patient work by dozens of operatives across hundreds of star may have doomed a trillion souls across half the galaxy


Riker: So, what are they like, this new crew of yours?
Picard: Well, I would have to say they are decidedly motley. There's been nothing but drama since we left Earth's orbit and, I'm told, it's been continuing since I saw them last. They seem to be carrying more baggage than all of you ever did. But then, I'm not the one to talk.

Troi: You're in trouble. How bad?
Picard: Bad enough.

How's this for a lost cause? I was that much a hopeful fool again for a minute. Thanks for that.


Dr. Jurati: Thank you for being so kind to me. You're a good person.
Raffi: Thank you, but I'm more like the wreckage of a good person. In an emergency, you can slap together a temporary good person out of the pieces...

Star Trek: Picard Season 1 Quotes

Data: Why are you stalling, Captain?
Picard: I don't want the game to end.

Dahj: Have you ever... been a stranger to yourself?
Picard: Many, many times