Our security is only as strong as our unity.


You see the connections between us when all we see are the empty spaces.


Do you know the odds of all of us being here on the Enterprise at this time? It’s improbable, and yet here we are. Together. All of us.


I promise you even Julia Child’s boeuf bourguignon itself will not make me forget that you sang about lying to me.


Spock: There appears to be an incoming warp signal heading our way fast. The signal has Klingon encryption.
Una: The last thing anyone wants is singing Klingons.

Admiral April’s last message confirmed that the improbability field has now spread to twelve Federation ships. He let me know in a surprisingly beautiful baritone that he wants us to stop this now, by the way.


La’an: When people sing, they are confessing highly personal, emotional information.
Pike: Lieutenant, are you telling me our emotions constitute a security threat?

Uhura: I have a theory. I think since we’re in a musical reality, we actually following the rules of musicals.
Pike: So when do characters in musicals usually begin to sing?
Una: When their emotions are so heightened, that words won’t suffice.

Secrets I keep safe inside / A skill I perfected so I could survive / It worked before / It doesn’t serve me anymore / I wish I never learned how to be / So good at keeping secrets.


Firing on the field would be devastating. As you can see in this simulation, the explosion would propagate through the entire Federation subspace network, destroying everything. It would be like soaking the improbability field in kerosene and holding a match to it.


Pike: What are the odds we could shut down the improbability field before the Klingons get here?
Spock: Not good. At least according to the data we have.
Pike: Then find new data. You both need to fix this. You’re applying old rules to a new reality. I suggest you find a different tempo fast.

Mr. Spock, you explained that very well. I almost understood it.

James Kirk

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Quotes

M’Benga: Increased heart rate. Heightened pain in neck, jaw, and lower back. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were experiencing what we humans call stress.
Spock: That is atypical.

Una: Don’t start a fight you can’t win. You taught me that.
Pike: You didn’t start this. They did. And we’re going to find a way to win because it’s what’s right.
Una: There’s the Boy Scout in you again.