Secrets I keep safe inside / A skill I perfected so I could survive / It worked before / It doesn’t serve me anymore / I wish I never learned how to be / So good at keeping secrets.


Uhura: That was just a solo with backup vocals. Maybe four voices, max? So we need to do that again but with more, a lot more.
Pike: You mean, like an ensemble number?
Uhura: Not just an ensemble number. A grand finale. We need melodies and harmonies with tone ratios that achieve both algorithmic and logarithmic balance on a mass scale.

Pike: So… That happened.
La’an: Reports of musical outbreaks have come in from every deck.
James Kirk: Honestly, I thought it was something you had all rehearsed, but I sang too.
M’Benga: So did I. And I do not sing.

Pelia: Have you tried sending music through?
Spock: We have not. Do you believe music may yield a different result?
Pelia: Well, you are trying to communicate through a medium with different laws of physics so perhaps fundamental harmonics are the answer.

Spock: Imagine an area of space where quantum uncertainties collapse so rapidly and randomly that new realities are created. In one such reality, people sing… uncontrollably.
Pelia: A musical reality.
Spock: Indeed.
La’an: So what’s next? More improbability? Or will we just suddenly poof into bunnies.
M’Benga: I would prefer not to be a bunny either.

Mr. Spock, you explained that very well. I almost understood it.

James Kirk

When I’m back, we’ll go somewhere we both want to go. But no camping, unless it comes with room service.


M’Benga: Erica! Everything all right?
Ortegas: No. The Butcher of J’Gal is in there and everyone’s acting like he’s the frickin’ Dali Lama.

I told you I didn’t start the fight, but I’m glad he’s dead.


We’ve known each other for a very long time. See eye-to-eye on most things. But you haven’t lived my life. You have the privilege of believing in what’s best in people. Me? I happen to know there’s some things in this world that don’t deserve forgiveness.


Some things break in a way that can never be repaired. Only managed.


Pike: I’m just shocked that Rah would attack him like that.
Chapel: I guess, it just goes to show, no one ever really knows what goes on in anyone’s heart.

Star Trek: Strange New Worlds Season 2 Quotes

M’Benga: Increased heart rate. Heightened pain in neck, jaw, and lower back. If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were experiencing what we humans call stress.
Spock: That is atypical.

Una: Don’t start a fight you can’t win. You taught me that.
Pike: You didn’t start this. They did. And we’re going to find a way to win because it’s what’s right.
Una: There’s the Boy Scout in you again.