You've fallen in love, finally. You've fallen in love with our scheduling opportunities.


I’m intrigued to see how he gets out of this one.


What sort of people would stop a brother speaking for the sake of a share price?


Kendall: You’re not bringing the kids to their grandfather’s funeral? Are you insane?
Rava: I don’t consider it safe.
Kendall: You’re too online. OK? You’ve lost context. Everything is fine.

Frank: This is it, huh? He’s gone. He’s really gone.
Gerri: How much of you is glad?
Karl: Well, we had our fights, but I miss him.
Gerri: Stockholm syndrome, crossed with a little bit of China syndrome.

Lukas: Can you intro?
Shiv: I can do fucking anything; my dad just died.

Shiv: Uh, OK, so if it happened in Milwaukee, and if it's deliberate, then it's Menckenists.
Roman: Mmm. False flag, could be.
Shiv: You can't say false flag-
Roman: False flag!
Shiv: -every time you don't-
Roman: False flag!
Shiv: -fuckin' agree with something!
Roman: Grrrrr!

  • Permalink: Grrrrr!
  • Added:

We're not talkin' to Greg.


Shiv: What's going on?
Roman: Oh, nothing. Tom just thinks that China's hacking his tech.

I'm so glad I didn't drop out. It just makes an election so much more interesting when you're in it.


No need to catastrophize.


Kendall: You OK?
Shiv: Yep. Yeah. Uh-huh. Look, I think things are tough with my situation, and Tom, uh, but.
Roman: You want us to have him killed? We could do that.
Shiv: Uh, yeah. Maybe. I, you know, he's just, he's just a piece of filth, and there's stuff I would like to tell you, but uh [they're interrupted by Greg and Tom]. Yeah, I mean, you just can't trust him.
Kendall: Yeah. We got you.

Succession Season 4 Quotes

This isn't fuckin' Shake Shack, Greg. This isn't a pre-fuck party; it's a birthday party.


Kendall: The Hundred is Substack meets Masterclass meets The Economist meets The New Yorker.
Roman: I feel like we said iconic, and you guys are leaning ironic.