Alex: What did I do? Do you know what I did?
Kara: Not the specifics, no.

Barry: What happened with Mon-El?
Kara: What didn't happen? The end of the world.
Barry: Faced that three times.
Kara: Time travel.
Barry: I've been there a lot.
Kara: He's married to someone else.
Barry: Oh. That's...I've got nothing for that, I'm sorry.

Alex: You're right. This is not a time for us to go out, or have any fun. This is our time to wallow, to drown our sorrows, and put on break up weight.
Kara: No.
Alex: I was just kidding. I know that you are incapable of putting on weight, which I totally resent.

J'onn: Supergirl, identify the threat so we can help you fight it.
Winn: Whatever it is, it came out of deep orbit and it is maaad.
J'onn: So it's alien?
Winn: Well, it's definitely not NASA.
Kara: Dominator. These guys are so last year.

The truth never hurts as much as secrets.


Winn: Listen, we only have your best interests at heart.
Kara: So, uh, which of you two is deciding what my best interests are?

Kara: When I saw you on that ship, oh my god, I felt like could hope again. I could touch you...and see you and hear you and be with you, finally. But you're different. [pause] You have nothing to say? Nothing?
Mon-El: I'm sorry.
Kara: [Resigned] Shame on me for having a human heart.

I know I am not a prisoner of the DEO, my son. You are. You have glanced at your smart devices forty three times since we arrived. Your body is here, but your mind is trapped in your work.


Alex [to J'onn]: I will alert you if anything happens.
Winn: Yes, leave us in charge. And by us, I mean Alex because I should *not* be in charge of anything.

Sam: Hold my hand. You feel that?
Ruby: Your pulse?
Sam: That's you. You are my heart.

So, we found out the douche quarterback was smoking pot, caught a predator, and solved a murder. We're doing pretty great this week.


Josie: He's 27. I'm 17. In five years no one will even care about the age difference.
Alex: In five years he'll be half way through his sentence for statutory rape.

Supergirl Season 3 Quotes

Reporter: Does President Marsden believe climate change is real?
Cat: Yes, Carl, as a matter of fact she does. She also believes that two plus two equals four, and that the Earth is round, because the President is not a moron.

Winn: I thought it was bad when she skipped pizza night, but skipping free apps? I mean, come on. These are like the beginning of the dark days.
J'onn: Hey, come on, grief doesn't have a deadline.
Winn: Look, I know, but I mean, she goes from being little miss sunshine to, well, Alex basically.
Alex: What? I'm not like that.
J'onn: Oh come on Alex, your unrelenting seriousness is one of your best qualities.