I think we both deserve one night free of drama, if that's even possible.

Bay [to Daphne]

He can amuse my mouth, anytime he wants.

Melody [about Chef]

Let me explain something to you, you aren't her friend, you're her father!

John [to Angelo]

Am I just like a cardigan wearing, opposite-of-sex, hopeless geek?


It is people who are otherwise invisible, expressing themselves the only way they know how.


She's a teenage girl. It's easier for her to yell at us about one thing when she's upset about another

Katherine [about Bay]

You, drinking, no.

John [attempting to sign]

Is that it? Or is this just an excuse for you to mold me into something you want me to be?

Toby [to Simone]

I feel like I don't know you.

John [to Bay]

Some day you're gonna have to forgive me. Leaving you and Regina was wrong, but I'm here now trying to make up for it.

Angelo [to Daphne]

I wouldn't call us absent parents but we did miss something else pretty big for 16 years.


I guess you're just full of surprises.

Daphne [to Wilkie]

Switched at Birth Quotes

Daphne: I didn't know you liked horror movies.
Kathryn: I haven't seen one since I was your age. Amityville Horror and it wasn't nearly as scary as the boy I saw it with.

Bay [about Angello]: He's not on parole.
John: He is with me.