Kathryn: There are a lot of ways to build character, suffering is not the only one.
Regina: I don't consider a high school junior not having a credit card suffering.

I know I shouldn't be saying this, but it's been so nice having the two of them to ourselves the past six weeks.


Kathryn: Look, I have to believe, after everything we've been through, that things happen for a reason.
John: I should have pushed for you.
Kathryn: The party wasn't behind me.
John: Well, we should have done it anyway.

Daphne and Bay do not know the difference between a few drinks and being a drunk. I cannot go home. You're stuck with me.


Why couldn't he just occupy his high school like everyone else in this family?


No. I'm just saying that not sleeping with your girlfriend until you're married is one way to find yourself engaged.


Daphne: We didn't take over the school so that a hearing person could talk for us.
Bay: No. You took it over so that people like me could never go there again.

Kathryn: I think we're building something really great here. I don't know why you don't think hearing and deaf kids can't coexist.
Melody: It's too difficult to explain.
Kathryn: You're about to explain it to the school board!

Daphne: People always bring wine to dinner.
Bay: A dinner with minors and recovering alcoholics?

Parenting almost makes the campaign look easy, huh?


Bay: Ohhh. How Downton Abbey of you.
Noah: Huh?
Bay: Never mind.

There's nothing like hitting somebody so hard it feels like you broke your hand knowing that his face feels a lot worse.


Switched at Birth Quotes

Daphne: I didn't know you liked horror movies.
Kathryn: I haven't seen one since I was your age. Amityville Horror and it wasn't nearly as scary as the boy I saw it with.

Bay [about Angello]: He's not on parole.
John: He is with me.