Bryan: Hey, Dan, we all want the same result here.
Dan: They said alone.
Bryan: And that's all they're going to see.

Dan: I just want this to be over, Riley.
Riley: Me too, and for no more of our soldiers to die from this drug. Ingersoll Pharmaceuticals has to be stopped, Dan.

You'd better believe we're going to do all we can to get your daughter back, and to shut down Ingersoll Pharmaceuticals.

Bryan [to Dan]

Asha: And now you're mad.
Bryan: No!
Asha: What then?
Bryan: Nervous.
Asha: Me too.

Dan: I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby.
Mattie: What for?
Dan: I love you so much.
Mattie: He says you're brave, Dad.
Dan: Who?
Mattie: Him. Bryan.

Bryan: You should take the bedroom.
Asha: I'm good with the couch.
Bryan: Guard dog sleeps near the door.

Is [Ismat] on the FBI watch list for a real reason, or is he another name they added to cover their asses?

John [to Riley]

Bryan: I'm finding it hard to let go.
Asha: I understand. More than you know.

Christina: We need to send a message.
Bryan: A message?
Christina: Coerce the president at your own peril.

We both know the best way to fight terrorists is to act like one.

Gilroy [to Christina]

Ismat: You know what they say about men like you in my country? A brave American …
Bryan: is a stupid American.

Bryan: I'm not leaving here.
John: Yeah, you are.
Bryan: Or what? You gonna shoot me again?
John: We don't have time for this.
Bryan: I'm not leaving this man. I'm the new guy and that makes me the expendable one.

Taken Season 1 Quotes

John [to captured gunman]: Didn't she just tell you it would be impossible to say nothing forever?
Gunman: You cops?
Becca: Please.
John: If you haven't figured it out already, your life is now in our hands. If I were you, I'd learn to live in the moment.

Bryan: Excuse me to lookng out for my little sister.
Cali: All grown up now.