Kelso: Autumn is harvest time for the farmer. At dawn, my dad and I were out in the fields, picking carrots fresh off the trees.
Hyde: Kelso, carrots don't... that's good, you should put that down.

Donna: So, what do you guys wanna do when you grow up?
Eric: Um, not touch dead people. Ever.

Oh, I am so excited to be in the food service industry. May I cut the cheese?

</i> Fez

When I go to the hospital, I like to not die.


That 70's Show Season 1 Episode 18 Quotes

Kelso: Autumn is harvest time for the farmer. At dawn, my dad and I were out in the fields, picking carrots fresh off the trees.
Hyde: Kelso, carrots don't... that's good, you should put that down.

Donna: So, what do you guys wanna do when you grow up?
Eric: Um, not touch dead people. Ever.