If you want me to have your baby, at least try to be here with my when I do it.


I came here to find out why my father came to California. Not to cheat on my wife.


Nan: You just ... you look like someone I used to know.
Cole: Gabriel Lockhart. I'm his son. My name is Cole.

Cole: Luisa doesn't think that I love her.
Mother: Well, do you love her?

It's not what you think. I'm going to tell her the truth, just give me a moment.


I haven't told anyone this before, not Cole, not Noah.


Cole: You want me to ask Alison to declare herself an unfit mother?
Luisa: Yeah.
Cole: It would break her heart.

I think you tell you to sell it so you turn around, sell it, and look like a hero to Luisa.


Luisa: Next time you want to go on a date with your ex-wife, just leave me out of it.
Cole: Oh, she's my business partner!

You've created this whole identity out of Gabriel's death.


I mean, you show up here dressed like a fucking co-ed.


Everytime I see you, I am just waiting for the next disaster to happen.


The Affair Season 4 Quotes

Vic: I thought you were going to relax today.
Helen: Um, I am relaxed. Stacey!
Stacey: Just a minute!

Vic: Hey.
Helen: Hey.
Vic: Look, I think I've lost like eight pounds.
Helen: Maybe you should lay off the green juices.