Dawn: I want you to treat my space like it's your own.
Mary Anne: Really?
Dawn: Absolutely. What’s mine is yours.

My house, my room, my mom is all yours!


Kristy: Mallory, being part of the Baby-Sitters Club means we show up for each other.
Claudia: We don't call it charity. It’s just friendship.

Dawn: The kitchen is a disaster
Sharon. I'm sorry honey. Mary Anne and I are trying to get a handle on this baking thing.
Mary Anne: We forgot the flour the first time so we had to start all over.
Dawn: I just cleaned the entire house including the kitchen.

Dawn: Mary Anne, listen to me. There is nothing scary about the secret passage way.
Mary Anne: You're right. Sorry for being such a wimp.

Sharon: Richie, are you going to say hello or what?
Richard: (Kisses Sharon). Sorry. Hello.

Mary Anne: Is that what you and Sharon are, friends who like each other? Because if so, I can learn to get used to that, but I just thought you would have proposed by now.
Richard: I understand. I can tell you with confidence that Sharon and I are more than friends who like each other. But we're also adults with history and our own families. I’m not sure what to call it. We’re just us.

Logan: I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend today. I got you this bracelet. But it can totally wait until Friday.
Mary Anne: No! I mean, not no! Don't wait until Friday. Yes, I'd love to be your girlfriend.

Kristy: I’m happy for you…
Mary Anne: Why do I feel a but coming?
Kristy: Remember you are number one always and then we are number two, and your dad is number three so I guess he’s number four.

Yes mom, I will bring you home some chocolate.


I had a feeling you and Logan were becoming more than friends after camp, and I'm happy for you, sweetheart. He seems like a very nice kid.


Liz: I’m just overwhelmed and hormonal
Kristy: I understand. I don't, but I'd listen.

The Baby-Sitters Club Season 2 Quotes

We’ve all grown this past year, physically, personally, and most importantly in number.


it was all really nice, but to me, family was when you could put your feet up and eat dry cereal out of the box with your hands. This was not that no matter how much fruit salad my mom made.
