Milus: Perhaps someday they will sing songs of our bravery.
Toran: It will be a short and clumsy tune.
Wilkin: Full of sour notes and harsh rhymes.

Wilkin [to Annora]: You are the devil, Annora of the Alders.
Annora: Please! Wilkin, no! My son.

Bind the little French bitch.

Milus [to the guards; of Gaveston]

Good... now dispatch yourself out the door.

Milus [to the Reeve]

No need to worry, my dear Piers. We are here to rescue you.


Only you, Corbett, would use death to buy pain.


Wilkin: How are we to know they hold the Frenchman?
Milus: He's there. I can smell the arrogance.

I may be half-witted but you're half-hearted! Bernadette doesn't like horses.


I must confess, Wilkin; I am more myself inside this turn towards blood.


You are aware that giving birth to a pillow neither serves the shire or yourself?


Jessamy: He said 'thank you,' maiden.
Isabel: Yes. Yes, he did.

Wilkin: My mind spins with every conceivable wrong, and then when I see you, all is quiet.
Lady Love: Not all, Wilkin Brattle.

The Bastard Executioner Quotes

God has put him on our path.


Brattle: I am devoted. Your servant.
Angel: You have a destiny to claim.
Brattle: Tell me, heavenly one. Tell me what you'll have me do.
Angel: It is time to lay down the sword, Wilkin Brattle. Your savior needs you to live the life of a different man.