Raj: Mummies and zombies are the exact same thing.
Leonard: Oh yeah. Mummies are wrapped in bandages.
Raj: That's called a fashion choice.

Oh, drat. I'm never going to get to 43 again.


Leonard, why do you always do this? Listen to me, you are the one that I'm with. You know that I love you. So, will you please relax, because you are driving me crazy.


We're still dating, right?


The mind's a mysterious thing, Leonard. He could be having the time of his life, while she thinks she's a chicken pecking for corn.


Leonard: Who you talking to?
Penny: Just this guy I met at school.
Leonard: We're still dating, right?

Howard: Do you expect me to build this?
Sheldon: I expect you to wipe the pudding off your chin. Gentlemen.

Yikes, this guy is worse than Wil Wheaton.


You insulted my woman. I'm here to defend her honor.


Sheldon: Get the Mad Hatter on the horn, I'm having a tea party.
Penny: You might want to pace yourself.
Sheldon: I drink tea all the time. I think I know what I'm doing.
Penny: Far be it from me to criticize a man with a full pubis.

Howard: Boy, if these walls could talk.
Leonard: They'd say, "Why does he touch himself so much?"
Howard: Yeah.

Howard: So, this one's on God.
Bernadette: That might be a little more convincing if you didn't have a mouth full of bacon cheeseburger.
Howard: My religion's kinda loosey-goosy. Basically, as long as you have your schmekel clipped and don't wear a cross, you're good.

The Big Bang Theory Season 6 Quotes

Amy: Soon my upper lip will be the same fake blonde as my beautiful best friend.
Penny: Hey, this is my natural hair color - Now.

Right now, Howard is staring down on our planet like a Jewish Greek god - "Zuesawitz".
