In a way, we've been his partners in treason. …partners in treason. … partners in treason. …partners in treason. …treason. …treason

Harold [from voice recording]

Herbie: Two warring families? Poison? Murder? This case is straight out of my book club.
Ressler: Wait, you're in a book club that's reading Romeo and Juliet?
Harbie: No. Dune.

At this time in our lives, Harlod, all I want is as many reminders of the good and beauty this world has to offer.


Of all the precautions you've taken over the years to survive, suddenly you're OK with putting your life in the hands of pure dumb luck. Why?


Arthur: You asked him (Ressler) about Elizabeth?
Jonathan: I did. Even after he told me about their connection, I didn't wanna believe what you said about him was true. But the more I looked into who Agent Keen was ... She killed the Attorney General. She was a fugitive with Reddington.
Arthur: We need to pull it down, and we need to do it now. And I can't do that without your help.
Jonathan: What do you need me to do?

I'm all right. It was a little touch-and-go at the beginning, but I came up on top at the end.

Red [to Cooper]

The raid outside Paris was bigger than we could have imagined. In fact, this is the biggest case you've ever given us, Raymond.


It's hard to believe it's over. All these years. This was more than an enterprise; it was our lives, and we lived it together. I'm so proud. That word doesn't suffice. I'm honored to have stood beside you all as we discovered this creation of ours together.


All these years, we've never been able to catch him. This is why. Raymond Reddington has corrupted a task force within the FBI, and I'm gonna tear it apart from the joints.


While there were compelling arguments on both sides, I'm ruling in favor of your task force, assistant director Cooper. It's clear to me that the safety and security reasons for keeping your records internal far outweigh any benefits Congress might receive from making them public.


Ressler: I was with Blair Foster. She ambushed my NA meeting.
Cooper: Did she say anything incriminating?
Ressler: No. She comes close to the line without crossing it. She's bold. She's not afraid of anyone.

Manny: I should have known you had and agenda. It's probably why Weecha left you.
Red: Left me? She didn't leave me. It's considerably more complicated than that. Who told you anyway?
Manny: Straight from the horse's mouth.

The Blacklist Season 10 Quotes

Ressler: The body we recovered from the Chinese Consulate is Jennifer Morris
Harlod: Morris. How do I know that name?
Dembe: Jennifer Morris was once on the blacklist. She was part of a heist crew that specialized in robbing criminals.

Apparently, Raymond's back. And probably connected to an explosion that happened minutes ago in a townhouse on the Upper East Side.
