I'll show you mine if you show me yours.


Your my father, you need my help. It's not like you're going to ask me to hide a body or anything like that.


Sins should be buried like the dead. Not that they may be forgotten but we may them and find our way forward nonetheless.


None of us are the people we were before this task force started. Before Reddington.


Forgiveness doesn't mean accepting what you've done, Donald. It means understanding that the line between good and evil cuts through the hearts of all of us.


As long you play dirty cop, we'll be fine. Under the circumstances, I think you can manage that, can't you?

Red [to Ressler]

Red: Elizabeth is back.
Harold: So I hear. How is she?
Red: Determined to find Tom's killers.
Harold: Understandable.
Red: I'm the devil on one shoulder, you're the angel on her other. She's in troubled waters, Harold. Please help her to navigate them.

I'm not doing very well.


You're not okay because my name's not Grace. It's Elizabeth.


Imagining what I'm going to do to Tom's killers is the only thing that gets me up in the morning.


Red: I want you to promise me something
Liz: What?
Red: I want you to grieve.

Liz: The one thing I have learned out here in all my time alone?
Bad guy: What's that?
Liz: Men just get in my way.

The Blacklist Season 5 Quotes

Like deep fried butter, I am unhealthy, yet irresistible.


Liz: You're living here?
Red: I make my bed where I lay my head.