Please tell me someone is going to answer that.


Executioner: Do you have any final words?
Red: I'll save my final words for my next life.

When I kill a man, I don't pretend I care how he feels... It's disrespectful, so stop coddling me.


I meant what I said, Harold. You are the best. As an agent, as a person, and as a friend.


Liz: What I'm trying to tell you is this might not be your final meal.
Red: And what I'm trying to tell you is I'm okay if it is.

You have in your life the only thing that matters. People who love you. People you can depend on. People who will always tell you the truth. Six years ago, I turned myself in because of you. Now, here at the end, I'm at peace because of them.


What I want to do is save your life.


In the end, Liz, he's just a man who loves you very much.


I'm the person who's going to make sure the President doesn't grant you clemency.


Do you two want to get a room, or rob a bank?


Someone needs to strip the Warden. Any takers?


Love brought you out of the shadows.


The Blacklist Season 6 Quotes

I'm turning 60 this year. I wanted to see if I still got it. Turns out that I do. It's going to be a great year.


This is no way to rob a bank. I don't know what the hell this is.
