Hey, Dan.


We, the jury, find the defendant, Mr. Sullivan, not guilty on all counts by reason of insanity.

Mr. Foreman

You don't remember your father. Your real father. Because I never really wanted to tell you. There wasn't much good to tell. I was sixteen when I got pregnant. Seventeen when we got married. And when you were four, I came to understand that he... So I got us as far away from him as possible. But being on my own was more than I knew how to handle. So when, Marlin ... he seemed so strong, so dependable, somebody who could take care of us. And we needed that. We needed taking care of. I needed it. I don't think for a long time, I told myself. It wasn't true. It couldn't be true. I couldn't have brought another man like that into our lives. But I did. And I'm sorry. What I let happen to you. Even if you never forgive me. And I wouldn't blame you if you didn't because the parent is supposed to protect their child. I failed. I failed.


Stan: One more witness, Your Honor.
Judge: Alright, go ahead.
Stan: The defense calls Danny Sullivan to the stand. That's you.
Bailiff: Do you solemnly swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God?
Jack: I do.
Stan: For the record, please state your full name and address.
Jack: Daniel Sullivan. 9 Elm Rd. Elbridge, NY.
Stan: Only that's not true, is it?
Jack: I am fairly certain that that is my address.
Stan: Not your address, your name. Are you Danny Sullivan?
Jack: Of course, I am Danny Sullivan. Who else would I be?
Stan: Isn't your name Jack?
Patricia: Objection. Whatever the defense is running at ...
Stan: Danny Sullivan has the presumption of innocence. It is his right. And in this case, that requires that we at least consider that that is not Danny. I'd like to talk to Danny.
Jack: And that you are, Sir. In the flesh. I'm up here. I very much appreciate the chance to tell my side of the story, if that's OK.
Judge: OK. Danny, go ahead.
Jack: I hated my stepfather. Before he came, it was just my Mama. When he did, he treated her terribly. I guess you could say he was abusive to her. I begged her to leave, but she was so scared. I was not just gonna sit, let him hurt her. I guess that's why I stayed so close to home. The abuse never stopped. If anything, it only got worse. All I wanted was to scare him into leaving. I know what I did was wrong. And I take full responsibility.
Stan: Your Honor, I have a hostile witness.
Judge: That hostile witness is your client.
Stan: And as I said, I don't believe he is. Really, I just need a little leeway if you'll allow it. Your Honor, please.
Jack: Mr. Kimisu, you are embarrassing yourself.

What happened to Danny, what happened to Adam, none of it was Danny's fault. But he doesn't know that. His guilt, his shame, they're keeping him from being able to see what what really happened. So we have to show him. That's what works with Danny. He's beautiful that way. He will fight you. But when you show him the truth, eventually he will believe you and he'll be able to see what really happened. And so will the jury.


Stan: Do you believe Danny was ever sexually abused?
Candy: NO!

DA Patricia: These clubs you frequent, are there ever closeted gay men in there? Men with something to hide?
Jerome: Sure.
DA PAtricia: So how could you know that Ariana wasn't just an alias? A cover? A lie?

That boy's nuts. Craziest son of a bitch I know.


Indisputable. Undeniable. Irrefutable. And it makes a guy wonder, why am I even here? That was some opening from the prosecution. Bedrock principles. Well, here's a bedrock principle for you. He's innocent. He has the presumption of innocence asis his right. Now this bears repeating because of everything that you just heard. So, let me begin by saying it clearly and as a simple statement of fact. Danny Sullivan didn't shoot anyone. He was there. He admits as much. But he didn't pull the trigger. Danny's a good kid. But he's a sick kid. Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, no one is making up a condition. I get how it sounds. Multiple Personality disorder. You know, at first I had a hard time wrapping my head around it myself. But instead of making flying nun jokes -- which is easy -- I kept an open mind. Which is hard. And that's what I'm asking of you. To keep an open mind, listen to the experts and listen to the witnesses. Because if you do, you'll arrive at the same indisputable, undeniable, irrefutable conclusion that I did, which is that Danny had no control over his illness. Or his alters. Yeah, he's got alters. He's got altars because he was hurt in unimaginable ways. That broke him. It broke his mind into pieces. And no, they are not some get-out-of-jail-free card. They are real, and they are not Danny. To send Danny to prison for a crime that one of his alters committed would be the same as you going to jail for a crime that I committed. Now Danny's illness is rare, and it is the result of being exposed to sexual abuse as a child. Frankly, he's lucky to have survived. This illness is how he survived. I get it. It's weird. It's hard. But please, keep an open mind.


But with evidence so provable, so irrefutable, one wonders, what will the defense do? They cannot deny the facts, so they will divert you from them by making unfounded and unproven claims about a condition they call Multiple Personality Disorder. Let me be clear. There is no such thing as Multiple Personality Disorder. It is a made-up condition. From a Sally Field movie, no less. They might as well claim the defendant is a flying nun. The defense blames Mr. Sullivan's actions on what they call an alter. Now I can admit I get the appeal. Don't we all wish we could blame our mistakes on someone else? Run a red light, blame an alter. Bounce a check, blame an alter. Cheat on a spouse, well, let's see how that one flies.

DA Patricia

Cellmate: Can I ask you a question? The English guy coming back? Jack?
Danny: Wait, you know Jack?
Cellmate: Sure do. Said he was going to give me a chance to win back some of my money. But, uh… Well, he hasn't really been around here for a while. You don't remember?
Danny: No.
Cellmate: Wow.
Danny: Wait, it doesn't bother you?
Cellmate: Fuck do I care? You think you're the first con I've met who's nuts? Guy can play cards and he's good company. Just don't bring back the Israeli.

And if you really care about the kid, stop trying to prove a point on his back and take the win.


The Crowded Room Season 1 Quotes

So, what do you think? This is what you do, Professor.


Ariana: Don't keep looking at it. Jesus.
Danny: I'm sorry.
Ariana: It's cool. Danny, you don't have to do this. You know that, right?
Danny: We're doing it. He's not gonna hurt anyone anymore, okay?