Hello, Andy. You've made quite a mess.


Grace: Come on, Daddy.
Andy: Let me go.

Shelby: Have you noticed anything weird happening around the house.
Verity: Weird like what?
Shelby: Weird like supernatural weird?
Verity: Supernatural? Dude, you have got to stop hanging around those dumbass priests.
Shelby: Right, right. Because religion sucks, and everyone's an idiot.

I'm not allowed to grieve for my wife? I can't have one place in this house that belongs to me?


Truck: There's this tall guy and he's got a black jacket and short hair and a mustache, but not like a porn stache. Like a good stache.
Verity: Is that guy a priest?
Shelby: I heard they both are.

Fr. Tomas: She likes you.
Marcus: Well, I'm terribly charming.

We're safe here. I promise.


Fr. Tomas: I was wrong about Harper.
Marcus: Maybe you were wrong about God.
Fr. Tomas: So what should we do? Stop listening?
Marcus: Do you hear anything? Anything at all? Because I certainly don't.

Every one of us knows what it's like to have our lives turned upside down. We all know what it's like to feel scared and helpless. As long as Harper is under this roof, she's family, 'cause good families only get bigger.


That thing inside my daughter? It knew you were coming.


Every now and again you think about that Italian sports car on the road not taken.


Tomas: If we would've gone forward with the exorcism, that girl would have died.
Marcus: More than likely.

The Exorcist Quotes

Tomas. Do you know who writes letters? People who don't want to get caught.


Sometimes God gives you a job to do. And when that happens, you have to drop everything and just start walking.

Father Tomas