Sometimes God gives you a job to do. And when that happens, you have to drop everything and just start walking.

Father Tomas

Angela: There are things going on in the house, my house. I come down in the morning and all the chairs have been moved away from the table. Or, the bookshelves, all of the books are on the floor.
Father Tomas: Maybe Henry...
Angela: It's not Henry. There are voices inside the walls.
Father Tomas: You know, I have this fan at home, and sometimes in the middle of the night it starts to make these strange sounds like tickatickatickaticka...
Angela: There's something inside my house! I know how this sounds, but I have 400 employees under me. I am not a crazy person.
Father Tomas: I'm not saying you're crazy...
Angela: It's a demon.

Tomas. Do you know who writes letters? People who don't want to get caught.


Father Tomas: I think God spoke to me today.
Angela: What did he say?
Father Tomas: He said, I want you to look at this family. I want you to help them, Tomas. This is your purpose. This is why you are here.

Father Tomas: Do you believe in God, Angela?
Angela: Wow. Get right to the good stuff. I like the idea of God. I want to believe that good things happen for a reason and that we're not just a bunch of molecules smashing into each other. I don't know. What about you?
Father Tomas: Well, if you talk to other priests, they will tell you they heard God's voice, his actual voice, calling him to serve. I never had that.

God, for future reverence, isn't the one who works in mysterious ways. You're being manipulated, my friend, in ways you can't even begin to understand. They're gonna love you.


Father Tomas: Angela, demons aren't real. They are an invention to explain things like addiction or mental illness. There are no monsters or creatures. Demons are metaphors.
Angela: Do you think I don't know that? Do you have any idea how embarrassing it is to sit here and sound like this? But there is a presence. I feel it. I'm not even going to try to convince you to believe me. Just come to the house. Just talk to her.

The Exorcist Season 1 Quotes

Tomas. Do you know who writes letters? People who don't want to get caught.


Sometimes God gives you a job to do. And when that happens, you have to drop everything and just start walking.

Father Tomas