Stef: Why did you go there in the first place, bud?
Jude: Because I didn't know what to do...for sex. They don't talk about it in health, and I don't have anyone to ask.

Lena: Where do LGBT kids go for answers?
Stef: Not to an app!

The real rule for working with kids with Autism, is to connect with them, and help them connect with their feelings. That's what you did for Ollie.


I don't want to hurt Mike, but if feels like it's worse if I hurt my brother.


Professor: Are you planning on going to art school?
Callie: Uh, I don't know.
Professor: Well, if you are, I certainly hope you consider applying with us. It's a really powerful piece.

Jesus: Why don't you two just get a room?!
Emma: What are you talking about?
Jesus: What, you think I'm stupid? You're screwing my brother!
Emma and Brandon: That's not true!

Jesus: You and mama know.
Stef: What?
Jesus: You want Brandon to have her, because you always want Brandon to have everything.

Brandon: Mariana, it's none of your business. For once in your life, just stay out of it.
Mariana: Oh my God, Emma's pregnant? She's pregnant, isn't she? She's pregnant!
Brandon: No, she isn't pregnant...anymore.

Troy Johnson won't take the settlement deal. We tried everything we can; he won't take money. So we're going to trial.


The Fosters Season 4 Episode 15 Quotes

Brandon: I know I'm not ready to be a father.
Emma: Do you think that's how Jesus will feel? If he knew?
Brandon: I do.

Emma: Do you think I should feel bad?
Brandon: No.
Emma: Really? Because doesn't that make me a cold-hearted bitch if I don't feel bad? Then, if I do feel bad, then why am I doing this? I must be wrong, right?