Eliza: Why don't you go back to your room and work on your short?
Brandon: Why so you can accuse me of not being present?

Jesus: You just had to tell me about her job offer in India.
Mariana: What, so you would just rather her pass up this amazing opportunity and you never know about it?
Jesus: Yes, absolutely, because then we d still be together, but as usual, you can't shut your mouth about things that aren't your business. And when you decide which of your multiple job offers you want to take, please pick the one that's as far away from me as possible.

Callie: She thinks I don't want you to marry her.
Brandon: Maybe I don't want to marry her. I'm just suddenly questioning if she's the one.
Callie: Why are you having doubts? Because of the prenup?
Brandon: I mean, it's everything, you know? I'm suddenly questioning if she really even gets me, you know? Maybe nobody does.
Callie: I get you.
Brandon: You're the only person who has ever really taken care of me. Like when you found me at Coachella because you knew I would be there. If you hadn't brought me back I don't know what I would have done. I think you're the person that I trust most in the world.
Callie: Ditto.

Mat: Hey, you OK?
Mariana: I thought you'd be back in your room with Ashley by now.
Mat: Ashley's not the one I want to take back to my room.

Carter [crying]: I'm so messed up.
Jude: I know. It's OK. You're OK.
Carter: Will you stay until I fall asleep?
Jude: Sure.

The Fosters Season 5 Episode 21 Quotes

Eliza: Once everyone settles into their rooms, my parents are having a little welcome lunch.
Stef: Hm. A welcome lunch. I wonder if they're going to actually let us host the rehearsal dinner tonight?
Lena: Of course, they will.
Stef: They won't let us marry them. Obviously, they want us to have nothing to do with this wedding.
Lena: Will you try to behave yourself?
Stef: I always behave myself.

Scott: The judge rescinded the permission to take Corey to the wedding.
Stef: What?
Jesus: That's bullshit.
Stef: No way!