Noah: Karma is a bitch.
Jude: So is payback.

So are you a lesbian? His last girlfriend was a lesbian.


Lena: You want me to call your doctor and ask if my sixteen-year old son can have sex?
Jesus: Yeah.
Lena: Well, okay.

Jesus: Can I have sex?
Lena: Well...okay. As you know mom and I don't encourage it...

Gabe: I'm living in my truck. I got evicted, that's why I took the job in Tahoe.
Ana: You got evicted?
Gabe: Yeah, I was going through a rough time.

Stef: So we talked to your lawyers and your trial date is set.
Callie: When is it?
Lena: There must be an opening because it's a week from today.

Mariana: Hey, Gabe, I tried calling you but your phone is disconnected. Wait, what are you doing?
Gabe: I'm moving. I got a job in Lake Tahoe.

It's easy with her. I love you Callie, but everything is so damn hard. It should be so hard.


AJ: Did you see me kiss Dawn? Why didn't you say anything.
Callie: Because...when Aaron kissed me it didn't mean anything. I was hoping you felt the same way. Unless you didn't.

Callie: I could have ended up like her or any of these girls, if you didn't rescue me and Jude.
Stef: You guys were always meant to be our kids.

So, I spoke with Drew, and he's not going to approve Jesus' project.


This is tougher than I thought. These girls are so young and so broken. There's so many of them.
