Diane: (about the merging) Good job.
Will: Not me, you. It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers.
Diane: As long as we're the ones snatching.

Eli Gold: Do you know what a tracker is?
Alicia: Do I know what a tracker is? No.
Eli Gold: An unpaid political operative who tracks the opposition candidate, trying to catch him off-guard with a question or a comment in order to tape the embarrassing encounter for free viral negative campaigning. Macaca? Result of a tracker.
Alicia: And I imagine this will all come around to me.
Eli Gold: The event of this morning. The congressional scandal. You are back in the news.

Kalinda: Did you see the photo spread? Will in a swimsuit.
Alicia: He wasn't in a swimsuit.
Kalinda: So you saw it, then? Talk to him.
Alicia: He doesn't want to. He told me. He wants to drop it.
Kalinda: Yeah. In a voicemail. Anything said in voicemail doesn't count.

Blake: Did you ever find your extra key?
Kalinda: You knew who I was?
Blake: Yeah. I wanted to see how you'd play it.
Kalinda: What are you, man of a thousand faces?
Blake: No. Just one. Does that flirtation bit always work for you?
Kalinda: Yeah. Are we going to have trouble?
Blake: No. No. As far as I'm concerned, it's your backyard, Leela. Sorry. That's not your name, is it?

No, you know what? I'm not just dropping this. You wanna know my plan? My plan is I love you, okay? I've probably loved you ever since Georgetown. So phone me. I'll meet you anywhere, and we will make a plan. If none of this makes sense to you, just ignore it. No embarrassment, nothing. We'll just go back to how things stood.


The Good Wife Season 2 Quotes

Will: Are we being played in some way?
Diane: I don't see how.
Will: I don't either. It's making me suspicious.

No, you know what? I'm not just dropping this. You wanna know my plan? My plan is I love you, okay? I've probably loved you ever since Georgetown. So phone me. I'll meet you anywhere, and we will make a plan. If none of this makes sense to you, just ignore it. No embarrassment, nothing. We'll just go back to how things stood.
