Moira: How is work?
Oona: We’re not allowed back into Gilead or anywhere outside of Canada for now.
Moira: I’m sorry. Does it help that you brought in this major intelligence asset?
Oona: Probably the reason why we still have a fighting chance.
Moira: It’s really nice of you to bring her a gift, I mean seeing as we almost killed your NGO and all.
Oona: Well, I nearly left her to die in Gilead, so I guess we’re about even. See you.
Moira: You know I think the world of… I don’t want us to be over.
Oona: You chose your friend over me and my work and your work. I know where I stand with you, and it’s fine.
Moira: That’s not where you stand, and it’s not fine.
Oona: I’m not angry, and I don’t want to fight about this.
Moira: No, we have to. We have to have the fight because if we don’t, we can’t move on.
Oona: We can’t move on.
Moira: I’ve been moving on my whole life until I met Odette, and she was forever until she wasn’t, so I just feel like you could be forever maybe.
Oona: OK, you want to have the fight, let’s have the fight. Just not on a night where I’m freezing my ass off. Call me.

June: Do you guys ever wonder if you deserve this? If you deserve to be here?
Emily: Sometimes I think about what I did when I was there.
Moira: We did what we had to do to survive, to get out, but we’re here, ladies. We won. They tried to fucking destroy us, and we won.

June: Sorry.
Luke: What, you have nothing to be sorry about, don’t you realize. Ever since the boat, when you were apologizing, that’s crazy, like I should be the one apologizing. June, I tried to get you out. I did. I tried to find Hannah, and I tried every day, and I failed, and I’m sorry.
June: No.
Luke: I’m sorry, look, I’m sorry.
June: Please don’t.
Luke: I don’t blame you if you can’t forgive me because I can’t forgive me, so…
June: Luke, Hannah knows how much we love her.
Luke: It’s been too long.
June: No, she remembers us, and she knows how hard we tried to find her.
Luke: How could she?
June: ‘Cause I told her.
Luke: What? How?
June: It was at this lake house. They let me see her for about 10 minutes.
Luke: How is she?
June: She’s really big. She’s beautiful. And she was mad.
Luke: She was mad?
June: Yeah, she asked if I tried to find her, and I said, ‘Of course I did. That I had tried so hard, and so had her daddy.’ Then she asked why didn’t I try harder.
Luke: That sounds like her.
June: Yeah, she was our Hannah, OK.
Luke: And so what did you say?
June: I said it was OK to be mad at me, and I wished that I could have been with her to protect her, and that I was so sorry that I couldn’t, but I would always be her mommy, and that her daddy and I would always love her, and we would never stop.

Mark: What motivated you to risk your life? To do such a thing?
June: It was the only thing I could do.
Mark: What do you mean?
June: I made a promise that they would hurt the way we hurt.
Mark: Who?
June: The kidnappers, the Serenas. I thought about what she would deserve, what they deserved. They take everything from you, you know? They really do.

You’re so amazing, you know that? So, so amazing. Why are you so amazing? I know why because Luke and Moira are raising you. We’re so lucky, aren’t we? I also want you to know your daddy and I love you so much. Your first daddy.

June [to Nichole]

Mark: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.
Serena: Of course you did. Did you hear everything?
Mark: I heard a lot.
Serena: Does it satisfy you to hear someone from Gilead express misgivings?
Mark: Does it satisfy you to express them?

Serena: I prayed for this chance, and I humbly thank the lord for your visit.
June: You would. You never did give me credit for anything.
Serena: I believe that the lord brought you here so that I could make amends.
June: I brought myself here so I could tell you how much I hate you. You don’t deserve to make amends to anyone. The only thing you deserve is a life full of suffering and shame. You have destroyed my life, my family, my friends, my country, and my child. There is no one less worthy of redemption than you.
Serena: I’m sorry. I am begging for your forgiveness. I’m begging for the lord’s mercy, and for his understanding.
June: Do you know why god made you pregnant? So that when he kills that baby inside your womb, you will feel a fraction of the pain that you caused us when you tore our children from our arms. Do you understand me? Do you understand me?

June: She’s pathological. She’s a sociopath. She’s toxic and abusive. She’s a monster. And by the way a consummate actress.
Mark: What do you think drives her?
June: Hatred and rage and underneath all of that there’s nothing but pure misery. And she’ll do anything not to feel that way, anything to feel OK even just for a second. She’ll do anything to get what she wants. Lie to you. Hurt you. Rape you. So if you feel yourself getting sucked in by her, run. Run for your life.

June: Why are you here?
Moira: Hey, shh, I came back.
June: Why?
Moira: I came back for you. I came back to help you, and I fucking found you.
June: It’s not safe Moira. You shouldn’t be here.
Moira: I fucking found you. I fucking found you.
June: You’re so crazy. You shouldn’t be here.
Moira: No, I found you. I’m going to take care of you. I got you. I got you.

Oona: When we get back we can work on trying to get her out.
Moira: No, no, fuck that.
Oona: I don’t have time for this.
Moira: Oona, she’s hurt. She’s not gonna last a week here.
Oona: Look, I get that this is hard.
Moira: No, not hard. It’s life or death.
Oona: For everyone, not just you and not just her.
Moira: She’s my best friend, Oona.
Oona: Gilead finds out we took her, no more missions, no more food, no more medicine, nothing for any of these people. You think June is more important than every one of them? I’m sorry.

Moira: You’re the one who decided to save her.
Oona: Because you put me in a position where I had to either save her or kill her.
Moira: You couldn’t have expected me to leave her behind.
Oona: You don’t think I’ve ever had to leave anyone behind. Every mission, you don’t think I’ve had to make hard choices, choices that keep me up at night, that I regret every single day.
Moira: I’m sorry. I wish it didn’t have to be about us.
Oona: Let’s not make this last longer than it has to.
Moira: We can still talk at the office.
Oona: There’s not gonna be an office after this.

June: I have to go back.
Moira: Are you fucking insane?
June: I have to get her.
Moira: You’re gonna die in the water or sail back to Gilead and die there. That’s your plan? Fine, you want to go back, I’m going with you. We’ll die together.
June: Stop it.
Moira: No, I didn’t bring you all this way just to leave you behind.
June: I told you I needed to stay for Hannah, and you manipulated me.
Moira: I didn’t manipulate you. I saved your life
June: You tricked me into leaving my daughter.
Moira: I’m sorry.
June: If I don’t go back now, she is gone forever. Hannah is gone forever.

The Handmaid's Tale Quotes

A priest, a doctor, a gay man. I think I heard that joke once. This wasn't the punchline.


A window with white curtains. The glass is shatterproof, but it isn't running away that they're afraid of. A Handmaid wouldn't get far. It's those other escapes, the ones you can open in yourself given a cutting edge or a twisted shape and a chandelier. It's harder on Ceremony Day, but thinking can hurt your chances. My name is Offred. I had another name, but it's forbidden now. So many things are forbidden now.
