Luke: June’s in prison, and we’re lighting candles.
Moira: We’re doing everything we can for her.
Luke: Don’t rub it in. Did she choose this?
Moira: Who, June? No, she didn’t choose this.
Luke: Because she chose to stay in Gilead, and she knew she’d probably get caught.
Moira: Maybe. Die trying to do something good.
Luke: It’s just… it’s just she knew she’d probably never see me again, right? She knew she’d probably never see either of us again. And, um, that’s the choice that she made, and I got to respect it. I got to respect her. I can’t ask God for something she didn’t want.
Moira: God’s been looking out for her so far.

Commander Lawrence: Well, she isn't stupid, but she is stubborn, which I guess is a form of stupidity. Perhaps, it’s the most virulent form.
Nick: Here’s the thing, you owe me.
Commander Lawrence: You can’t save her. You understand that right? She is never coming back to you. Why would she?
Nick: I know. I just… I want her to stay alive.
Commander Lawrence: Yeah, well, it’s always nice to want things.
Nick: You used to want things. You wanted things to change. June did that. She changed Gilead.
Commander Lawrence: Gilead was ripe for an overhaul.
Nick: She changed me. She changed you.
Commander Lawrence: So perhaps she’s fulfilled her purpose, and it’s time to move on.
Nick: I can’t move on. I can’t.
Commander Lawrence: I know.

If you don’t tell them where they are, I can’t help you. Please let me help you.


Fred: My attorney told me what to expect at the motion to dismiss hearing.
Serena: It’s just a legal strategy.
Fred: You’re willing to expose every detail of our lives, our faith to complete strangers.
Serena: No, I don’t want to. It doesn’t have to be like this.
Fred: You’ve gotten rusty. You used to be so good at getting me to do what you want, but my eyes are open now.
Serena: Fred, please, I just want my daughter back.
Fred: Nicole is not your daughter any more than she is mine, and if you think I’m coming to let you have her, walk free, go start some new life, you are delusional.
Serena: You know I thought once you were out of Gilead, once you were out of that uniform, you would come back to yourself.
Fred: I am as you made me, as you have made us.
Serena: As I have made us? Fred, you never once stood up for me, never once. Not once you got a taste of power. I thought it was my fault. I thought I deserved everything you did to me.
Fred: I think I gave you too much freedom. So you’re right, it doesn’t have to be like this.

Moira: The kid’s fucked up. He missed Gilead.
Emily: Like you said, “Better here than there.”
Moira: Eventually. I mean right now it sucks for a lot of them, the ones that got ripped from the only families they remember.
Emily: I guess June didn’t think that part through.
Moira: ‘Cause that’s what she does. Takes the big swing and fuck the consequences. God knows I can be a messy bitch, but that one… I love her, and I miss her, and I am worried about her. And I love Nicole, but I never wanted to be a mom.
Emily: Why do you feel you have to clean up June’s messes?
Moira: Fuck if I know. Making up for when I got out, and she didn’t, I guess. I’m tired of feeling guilty.
Emily: I get it. She gave me her baby and stayed behind. Who does that?
Moira: Ugh, are we terrible people?
Emily: Maybe, but I don’t think so.

Commander Lawrence: June, you have to tell me where the handmaids are. June, you have to tell me where they are. Or they will hurt Hannah. They will hurt her.
June: No, no, Gilead… they’d never hurt a child. It’s all they care about.
Commander Lawrence: Gilead doesn’t care about children. Gilead cares about power. Faithfulness, old-time values, homemade bread, that’s the just means to the end. It’s a distraction. I thought you would have figured that out by now.
June: I thought you were gonna clean up your mess.
Commander Lawrence: I can’t do it from the end of the rope. This is where we are.
June: Well, go fuck yourself.
Commander Lawrence: Motherhood’s always been an evolutionary puzzle to me.

Serena: I need to separate my interests from Fred. I am done with him.
Mark: We can talk about that later.
Serena: No, we can talk about that right now.
Mark: You’re pregnant, Serena. The results from your blood test came back. Congratulations.

Serena: Look, I understand what you’re saying, and I’m trying, but I just don’t feel comfortable with this approach.
Lawyer: Except it is your best chance to get this charge dismissed. Then we can restore your immunity deal and get Nicole back in your life.
Serena: By playing the victim?
Lawyer: By establishing a pattern of abuse. That would help a judge see you acted out of fear for your own safety.
Serena: But it wasn’t abuse, not exactly.

Serena: He acted out of anger. He probably regrets it.
Mark: I don’t understand why you’re giving him the benefit of the doubt after all he’s done.
Serena: Because I knew him before Gilead. Because I see him alone.

Alma: June, this is a terrible idea.
June: I can handle it. No one’s asking you to do anything.
Alma: No one’s asking you. You could just leave. We could all just leave.
June: I won’t have a chance after tomorrow.
Alma: I’m still waiting to hear why.
June: Because I think these women deserve to be free?
Alma: Is that it, or do you just want to kill a bunch of commanders?
June: Both.

June: They’re just fucking sitting ducks. Mayday should do something.
Jezebel: You really think Mayday would liberate this place? I fucking gave up on that a long time ago.
June: Hey, it isn't an army. We are Mayday. They’re people just like us.

June: So we’re gonna leave tomorrow night.
Esther: Take me with you.
June: It’s not where we’re going.
Esther: It’s not safe anywhere. I know that you think you can’t trust me, but you can. Don’t leave me here alone. Please. Please.
June: All right.

The Handmaid's Tale Quotes

A priest, a doctor, a gay man. I think I heard that joke once. This wasn't the punchline.


A window with white curtains. The glass is shatterproof, but it isn't running away that they're afraid of. A Handmaid wouldn't get far. It's those other escapes, the ones you can open in yourself given a cutting edge or a twisted shape and a chandelier. It's harder on Ceremony Day, but thinking can hurt your chances. My name is Offred. I had another name, but it's forbidden now. So many things are forbidden now.
