Aunt Irene: I’ve done some terrible things, every aunt has. We’re trained to deliver the corrections…
June: You mean the beatings, the torture.
Aunt Irene: The physical punishment was meant to help keep all of you alive, but what I did to you was worse. And I never even touched you.
June: What did you do?
Aunt Irene: I learned she had a lover at her first posting, a martha. They continued the affair after Emily was reassigned to Commander Scott and became Ofglenn, so I informed the eyes.
June: So you’re the reason why they hung that poor woman? And you are the reason why they mutilated Emily?
Emily: What do you want?
Aunt Irene: Since I’ve found out you were here, I haven’t had a moment’s peace. I want you to forgive me.
June: You crossed the border and pretended to just be any other refugee. You lied. You gave yourself a new life, a new name, and you thought you could just leave all of the shit you did behind. Why the fuck do you think you deserve forgiveness?
Aunt Irene: We are all God’s children.
June: Bullshit. You people hide behind God every time it serves you.
Aunt Irene: Please, please, please Emily. Tell me what I can do to make things better.
Emily: Nothing. There’s nothing you can do.

June: I thought I’d have more in common with them.
Moira: Well, they don’t all come with their own security detail, so…
June: You know what I mean. Feelings, forgiveness, journaling. Why aren’t they more angry?
Moira: How do you know they’re not?

I’m not nervous or worried or scared. I can’t fucking wait.


Luke: She says she doesn’t want me there tomorrow.
Moira: If she wanted a cheering section, she would have asked us to come.
Luke: I just don’t know how… I don’t know what she wants. She is like a stranger half the time. It’s like we talk about Hannah and in bed…
Moira: Getting over trauma is a bumpy fucking road.
Luke: Yeah.
Moira: You have to be patient ‘til June gets where she’s going. You don’t know what she’s been through.
Luke: Maybe that’s the problem.

Aunt Lydia: It was Gilead that saved you. Our boys cleaning out Chicago. They saved you from starvation and worse.
Janine: Where’s June? Is she dead?
Aunt Lydia: Your friend is in Canada.
Janine: She is?
Aunt Lydia: That godforsaken place.
Janine: She made it. I always knew she would make it.
Aunt Lydia: I don’t know why you’re so happy. June left you.
Janine: No she didn’t.
Aunt Lydia: Janine, don’t tell me she couldn’t have taken you with her. She’s done it before. Maybe this time you were just too much trouble. It’s difficult to know with that one, so unpredictable, selfish.
Janine: I know what happens here. I know what will keep happening until I die. Just don’t make me a handmaid again, please.
Aunt Lydia: Look what she’s done to you. She corrupts. She destroys everyone. You poor thing. You’ve spent your entire life losing the people you love.
Janine: Aunt Lydia please, just don’t send me back into service. I’d rather die here.

June: Do you guys ever wonder if you deserve this? If you deserve to be here?
Emily: Sometimes I think about what I did when I was there.
Moira: We did what we had to do to survive, to get out, but we’re here, ladies. We won. They tried to fucking destroy us, and we won.

Moira: How is work?
Oona: We’re not allowed back into Gilead or anywhere outside of Canada for now.
Moira: I’m sorry. Does it help that you brought in this major intelligence asset?
Oona: Probably the reason why we still have a fighting chance.
Moira: It’s really nice of you to bring her a gift, I mean seeing as we almost killed your NGO and all.
Oona: Well, I nearly left her to die in Gilead, so I guess we’re about even. See you.
Moira: You know I think the world of… I don’t want us to be over.
Oona: You chose your friend over me and my work and your work. I know where I stand with you, and it’s fine.
Moira: That’s not where you stand, and it’s not fine.
Oona: I’m not angry, and I don’t want to fight about this.
Moira: No, we have to. We have to have the fight because if we don’t, we can’t move on.
Oona: We can’t move on.
Moira: I’ve been moving on my whole life until I met Odette, and she was forever until she wasn’t, so I just feel like you could be forever maybe.
Oona: OK, you want to have the fight, let’s have the fight. Just not on a night where I’m freezing my ass off. Call me.

Moira: You just got here. Could be overwhelming, culture shock.
June: I’ve been living in Gilead. All I want is culture shock.

Mark: I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to eavesdrop.
Serena: Of course you did. Did you hear everything?
Mark: I heard a lot.
Serena: Does it satisfy you to hear someone from Gilead express misgivings?
Mark: Does it satisfy you to express them?

Fred: I want to be a good father to my son and a good husband to you, if you’ll let me.
Serena: It’s too late for that, Fred.
Fred: Our pregnancy is proof that it’s not.
Serena: My pregnancy.
Fred: This pregnancy belongs to me just as much as Offred’s belonged to you.

You’re so amazing, you know that? So, so amazing. Why are you so amazing? I know why because Luke and Moira are raising you. We’re so lucky, aren’t we? I also want you to know your daddy and I love you so much. Your first daddy.

June [to Nichole]

Serena: I prayed for this chance, and I humbly thank the lord for your visit.
June: You would. You never did give me credit for anything.
Serena: I believe that the lord brought you here so that I could make amends.
June: I brought myself here so I could tell you how much I hate you. You don’t deserve to make amends to anyone. The only thing you deserve is a life full of suffering and shame. You have destroyed my life, my family, my friends, my country, and my child. There is no one less worthy of redemption than you.
Serena: I’m sorry. I am begging for your forgiveness. I’m begging for the lord’s mercy, and for his understanding.
June: Do you know why god made you pregnant? So that when he kills that baby inside your womb, you will feel a fraction of the pain that you caused us when you tore our children from our arms. Do you understand me? Do you understand me?

The Handmaid's Tale Season 4 Quotes

You’re the one I’ve been waiting for. You got those children out. He sent me dreams of you. We were killing people together. It was the most wonderful dreams. Just rest. Get better.


Mark: This morning a plane left Gilead and landed at Pearson. There were nine Marthas on board.
Fred: Apostates. Gilead is well rid of them, I’m sure.
Mark: There were also 86 children.
Serena: I’m sorry, did you say 86 children?
Mark: Yes. We don’t have much more information right now. All we know is they’re here in Toronto, and that they’re safe.
Serena: Their poor families.
Mark: They’re being reunited with their families as we speak.
Fred: This will start a war.
Mark: We’re planning to everything we can to avoid that, but right now our priority is the wellbeing of the children.
Fred: Then you’ll return them home as quickly as possible.
Mark: I’d like nothing better, but there homes are gone. You destroyed them.