June: I hear you’re trading with another camp. I want to come.
Steven: No, fresh meat stays here.
Janine: You really should let June go. She got a whole plane full of kids out of Gilead. I mean I wouldn’t even be here if it weren’t for her. I mean literally.
Steven: You do what I say.
June: Yeah. Thank you.


Moira [to June]
  • Permalink: June?
  • Added:

Janine: Hi.
June: What are you doing here?
Janine: I feel safer when we’re together. Handmaids always walk in twos, remember?
June: Yeah, come on.

Janine: I’m staying.
June: Yeah, I had a feeling.
Janine: I guess this is it.
June: Yep. Well, that baby’s gonna be really lucky to have you.
Janine: Those rebels are so lucky to have you.
June: I need you to take care of yourself, OK.
Janine: OK, cross my heart. Wait, here. Something to remember me by.
June: How could I forget you?
Janine: Who can forget the girl with one eye?
June: I think you’re beautiful.
Janine: Me too. Bye.

June: I think we should go tomorrow and find the Nighthawks. Come on, we came here to fight.
Janine: June, you came here to fight. I didn’t even want to come here. I wanted to go back to Boston.
June: There’s nothing for us in Boston.
Janine: Well, there’s something here. I can get pregnant again here. I can keep my baby. I’ll be like a real mom.
June: Janine, you can’t have a baby here.
Janine: Why not? Come on, we could be moms together. It could be like a normal life. I mean the world needs more baby Americans, right?
June: You sound like Aunt Lydia.
Janine: No, June you do. You’re so bossy and judgmental. I know what’s right for me.
June: He’s taking advantage of you. I don’t know why you can’t see that.
Janine: I see fine. It was my choice to start having sex. You need to stop trying to save me to make yourself feel better.
June: I’m the one who doesn’t want to see you get hurt, OK.
Janine: Maybe, you should have thought about that with Alma and Briana.
June: OK, well I’m leaving tomorrow. Come with me or stay here and be Ofsteven. It’s your choice.

Commander Lawrence: To what do I owe the pleasure?
Aunt Lydia: I believe I can be of service to you.
Commander Lawrence: Lucky me.
Aunt Lydia: I have sources, witnesses to your involvement in Commander Winslow’s disappearance.
Commander Lawrence: Is that right?
Aunt Lydia: In addition, I have testaments to your many abuses of power – black market activity, not to mention your collaboration with your handmaid, Ofjoseph.
Commander Lawrence: Unless…
Aunt Lydia: Unless you arrange for my immediate reinstatement.
Commander Lawrence: There it is. For a second I thought you didn’t have it in you.
Aunt Lydia: Is it that you didn’t hear me, commander?
Commander Lawrence: No, no, I heard you loud and clear. So what else you got?
Aunt Lydia: I beg your pardon.
Commander Lawrence: I get it. You can bury me. I can only imagine the goods you have on my illustrious colleagues, Commander Calhoun. What’s the dirt on him?
Aunt Lydia: I’m not one to traffic in gossip.
Commander Lawrence: You just tried to blackmail me.
Aunt Lydia: Hardly gossip.
Commander Lawrence: You want me to restore your position, I need my seat back at the table, and your information can help me get it. Let’s fix this country. Let’s make things right again together.
Aunt Lydia: I might consider a collaboration if I have your word that Ofjoseph would be put in my care to be disciplined, handled my way.
Commander Lawrence: I can live with that.

Steven: Don’t do that again.
June: We could have taken them. What’s wrong with you?
Steven: What happens when they don’t report back? More patrols, more soldiers. It makes it harder for us to move around. It’s not worth it.
June: What kind of resistance are you?
Steven: The kind that survives.

Commander Lawrence: You couldn’t give me a mercy vote?
Nick: I can’t support a ceasefire in a battle I’m leading.
Commander Lawrence: A ceasefire might have helped June. I’m trying to do the right thing here.
Nick: If she were near the border, I’d know about it.
Commander Lawrence: Oh that’s sweet. Would your heart glow or something?
Nick: That’s funny.
Commander Lawrence: It’s a big country commander. The eyes can’t see everything. Even the eyes of Gilead.

Aunt Lydia: Have you seen the new girls?
Aunt Ruth: By his hand, we’ll replace the lost children in no time with that crop.
Aunt Lydia: Yes, very special class. Well, I am eager to be of service again, fully recovered by his grace. Back in fighting shape, as they say.
Aunt Ruth: There is no need to rush. God has given you this respite to heal.
Aunt Lydia: Too much to be done.
Aunt Ruth: Lydia, the girls are not your concern anymore.
Aunt Lydia: The girls have always been my concern. I have served Gilead with everything I have.
Aunt Ruth: Praised be.
Aunt Lydia: Aunt Ruth, perhaps you could speak to the commanders about my reinstatement. Intercede on my behalf.
Aunt Ruth: Lydia, I admired your devotion when you were still active, but now, it is your time to rest.

June: We need a place to stay. We need some food.
Steven: This isn't a charity. Whatever we pulled off that train is all we’ve gotten in weeks.
June: We’re not asking for charity. You have no idea what we’ve done. We can be useful.
Steven: Theresa will get you some food and some clothes.
June: Thank you.
Steven: Which one of you is staying with me?
June: What?
Steven: Either one of you’s fine.
June: That’s not what I meant.
Steven: It’s what you’ve got. Nothing’s free here.
June: Not her.

Steven: How did you escape? I heard they kept you in chains.
June: Not exactly.
Steven: Actual fucking sex slaves in America.
June: We weren’t in America.
Steven: Yeah, I guess not. Welcome back. It’s a fucking disaster.

Fred: It’s nice to see a friendly face.
Rita: We aren’t friends.
Fred: No, I suppose we’re not. Why have you come?
Rita: You deal with your family. It’s not my job anymore, and I thank god for that every day.
Fred: I was never cruel to you.
Rita: I’ll pray for your son.

The Handmaid's Tale Season 4 Quotes

You’re the one I’ve been waiting for. You got those children out. He sent me dreams of you. We were killing people together. It was the most wonderful dreams. Just rest. Get better.


Mark: This morning a plane left Gilead and landed at Pearson. There were nine Marthas on board.
Fred: Apostates. Gilead is well rid of them, I’m sure.
Mark: There were also 86 children.
Serena: I’m sorry, did you say 86 children?
Mark: Yes. We don’t have much more information right now. All we know is they’re here in Toronto, and that they’re safe.
Serena: Their poor families.
Mark: They’re being reunited with their families as we speak.
Fred: This will start a war.
Mark: We’re planning to everything we can to avoid that, but right now our priority is the wellbeing of the children.
Fred: Then you’ll return them home as quickly as possible.
Mark: I’d like nothing better, but there homes are gone. You destroyed them.