If you think I've done something wrong, then fire me. Otherwise, I have a class to teach.

Bennet Ahmed

One shot and you get your five mil. Now you miss it, and you resign from the race. What do you say? Yes we can?

Tom Drexler

That man killed our child and you let him go. You let him go.

Mitch Larsen

This is not your problem anymore. You're fired.


Yeah, you're a real role model. You teach her how to shotgun a beer?


People like me can do whatever the hell we want and do you know why? Because the Richmonds of the world will always clean up after us.


I'm here because you pushed me here. So don't go acting like you didn't want that man back. The only reason I'm in here and you're out there is because I had the balls to admit what I did.


I guess Karen was right. Can't find a working girl who don't want to be found.


Our son? Wow. I think Jack is doing just fine without his father so far.


Next time you come near my son, I'll arrest you for kidnapping.


Feel? I didn't feel nothing.


Linden: In situations like this, I like to ask myself: what would Jesus do?
Holder: Don't know. I'll ask him.

The Killing Quotes

Hello, Facebook. Kid's don't write letters.

Jack Linden

Linden: In situations like this, I like to ask myself: what would Jesus do?
Holder: Don't know. I'll ask him.