Linden: I don't want to do this anymore. I'm finished with this life, but I have to wrap up this case.
Regi: That's exactly what you said about the other case, with the kid, and you're doing the exact same things that almost lost you custody.

Jamie: Who you are is five words: dead girl in a trunk.

First you win, then you do good.

Senator Eaton

In dreams begin responsibilities.

Darren Richmond

My wife loved blackberries. I never noticed before how they grow everywhere here.

Darren Richmond

Mayor Adams: In no time at all, Darren's come here and built himself a real rainbow coalition: blacks, fruits, whores, and drug addicts.

Rosie's gone. Finding out who killed her won't change that.


Tell me - where was God then?

Mitch Larsen

You don't seem like the type that shares your toys.


Tell her that. Tell her you didn't kill her.


Relax Mom, it's NarcScent. Smells like weed, tastes like weed, it's not weed.


Did she suffer?

Mitch Larsen

The Killing Quotes

Hello, Facebook. Kid's don't write letters.

Jack Linden

Linden: In situations like this, I like to ask myself: what would Jesus do?
Holder: Don't know. I'll ask him.