I understand why you'd be looking for meaning...wanting all of this to somehow be fate..or destiny. For it all not to just be terrible, tragic...and random. I do understand.

CDR Chandler

Don't get your hopes up. That was just an anesthetic.

Lt. Ravit Bavis

Shut it, you yellow-bellied, whiny wankers.


You are special, young man. You were chosen. Like all of us.

President Jeff Michener

This country needs a leader almost as much as it needs a cure.

CDR Tom Chandler

Take off your clothes.

Lt. Ravit Bavis

Got themselves a cult...with an army behind them.


It's an apocalyptic love-in. All that's missing is music and some wacky weed.


Sean: I am culling the herd, Ned. And the pure will have a chance to join us. Those who refuse my beneficence will die along with the crew of that Navy ship. Now, you have a choice to make. Do you want to help me? Or do you want to join our beloved mother in the grave?
Ned: Well...Now that you've come to mention it...do you think Beyonce is immune? I mean, it's possible. Five percent and all that. I think she'd look rather good on my arm. Don't you think?

Ned: How many of them are going to go for your "we are the chosen" act?
Sean: It ain't no act. Ned. It ain't no act.

Ain't no freighters doing business during an apocalypse.

Sean Ramsey

Blessed with the gene. Kept us safe. Two weeks on, this little puppy....we have it all to ourselves. "You're a lucky old git, Sean Ramsey," I says to myself. But then...the...then...I had myself my moment of revelation. I did. It came to me. There weren't no luck. This here, this plague and all, ain't no accident. Design. That's what this is. Design.

Sean Ramsey

The Last Ship Season 2 Quotes

Quincy Tophet: Okay, please. I hid it. I know where it is.
Trooper: I'll kill her, you know I will.
Quincy Tophet: Okay. Okay. Okay. Forgive me. I'm so sorry.
Trooper: Where is it?
Quincy Tophet: You'll never find it. [removes bandages]

I don't know you. At this point, I don't trust anyone I meet in this town. But I know Granderson fears and hates you, so I'm operating on the premise that my enemy's enemy can be my friend. If that's the case, we can help each other.

Cpt Chandler